Results of the fourth day of the Scientific School-Conference with international participation for young scientists «Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties»

Results of the fourth day of the Scientific School-Conference with international participation for young scientists «Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties»

On October 06, 2022, the fourth day of the Scientific School-Conference with international participation for young scientists “Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties".

The organizers of this large-scale industry event are the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia together with the Institute of Chemistry of Silicates. I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICS RAS).

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia and Kruchinina Irina Yuryevna, Vice-President of "StekloSouz" of Russia, Director of the ICS RAS, were approved as co-chairs.

The fourth day of the conference began with a round table on the topic: "Modern Science Museum in Russia." The moderator of the round table was Ph.D. Yuri V. Latushko (Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

In continuation, the participants of the conference actively and lively discussed the topic “The nature of the glassy state. Structure of glass-forming melts and glasses, computer simulation”. Presentations were made by:

N.M. Vedischev, topic: "The structure of sodium borosilicates according to chemical thermodynamics."

I.G. Polyakova, topic: "Anatomy of boroleucite in the structure of sodium borosilicate glasses".

The fourth working day of the conference ended with master classes by Ph.D. Olga Sergeevna Rumyantseva (Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) on the topic: "Ancient glass, its production and study by methods of archeology and natural sciences."

This was followed by a poster session.

Thanks to the diverse forms of interaction between the scientific community and representatives of the industrial environment within the framework of the conference (round table, discussion club, master classes, poster session), a very interesting, lively and rich high-quality dialogue turned out. During the day, many conclusions, proposals and outlined prospects were announced.

Dear colleagues, we remind you that the period of the scientific school-conference is from October 3 to October 7, 2022.

You can connect to the online broadcast of the conference on all days of the event (from October 3 to October 7, 2022). Below are the connection details.

Join a Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 573 591 4956

Access code: 123456

We kindly ask you to indicate the full name / middle name and surname when connecting to zoom!


- Results of the first day of the conference_03.10.2022 (open).

- Results of the second day of the conference_04.10.2022 (open)

- Results of the third day of the conference_05.10.2022 (open)

-COLLECTION OF ABSTRACTS _Scientific school-conference with international participation for young scientists “Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties"

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