Results of the third day of the Scientific School-Conference with international participation for young scientists «Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties»

Results of the third day of the Scientific School-Conference with international participation for young scientists «Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties»

On October 5, 2022, the third day of the Scientific School-Conference with international participation for young scientists “Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties".

The plenary session was on the topic: “Methods of glass synthesis. Technology and production. New and special glasses (bio-, oxygen-free, metal, polymer, optical, etc.), composite materials based on glass”.

Presentations were made by:

• Ph.D. Alexander Pavlovich Velmuzhov. Topic: "High-purity glasses based on germanium and gallium chalcogenides for mid-IR optics".

Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances. G.G. Ninth.

• Doctor of Chemistry. Tatyana Viktorovna Antropova, Ph.D. Marina Andreevna Girsova. Topic: "Porous glass: obtaining, characteristics, application".

Institute of Chemistry of Silicates. I.V. Grebenshchikov RAS.

• Ph.D. Gohar Gabrielovna Manukyan. Theme “Optical glasses based on oxyfluoride germanate systems.

Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry. M.G. Manvelyan NAS, Republic of Armenia.

• Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Zebo Abdulevna Babakhanova. Theme "Study of the properties and structure of luminescent glasses and glass-ceramics synthesized using organosilicon compounds".

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan.

• Ph.D. Alexander Dmitrievich Orlov. Topic: "Foam glass: practical design and optimization techniques."

OOO Inorganic Functional Materials, Moscow.

• Dr. Sci. Valery Ivanovich Arbuzov. Theme “Optical glasses for special purposes: Classification. Areas of use. Limit characteristics.

St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation. A. A. Novikova, JSC "NPO State Optical Institute. S.I. Vavilov.

Detailed program of the conference (open).

A feature of the forum was the holding of master classes:

• Ph.D. Alexander Vyacheslavovich Semencha. Master class on making microlenses from thermoplastic chalcogenide glass on the surface of IR semiconductor diodes.

The master class consisted of two parts (including in the laboratory).

Higher School of Physics and Technology of Materials of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Transport, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Conducting master classes for young scientists, specialists of enterprises and students of higher educational institutions is an important component for the development of technologies for the production of new types of glass products and the improvement of existing scientific and technical developments.

As previously reported, a new format for holding a scientific and practical event was developed and proposed by the StekloSoyuz Association of Russia together with the Institute of Silicate Chemistry. I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICS RAS) in collaboration with the Institute of Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University, the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, the Institute of Macromolecular Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICS RAS), the Russian Chemical Society. DI. Mendeleev.

It was interesting and informative for the participants of the conference to visit the unique library of the Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Delegations of research institutes, educational institutions, enterprises were shown new materials, which were accompanied by scientific comments, including with the participation of academicians and professors.

This event provides an invaluable opportunity for members of the professional staff to develop scientific developments together with venerable scientists. Confidently will allow to preserve and develop the continuity of scientific and industrial thought.

The working day of the Scientific School-Conference with international participation for young scientists “Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties” scientific discussion on the most important developments of high value for the introduction of new technologies for the manufacture of glass and products.

The session was attended by Viktor Ivanovich Osipov, President of the Association StekloSouz of Russia, Irina Yurievna Kruchinina, Vice President of StekloSoyuz of Russia, Director of the ICS RAS.

Dear colleagues, we remind you that the period of the scientific school-conference is from October 3 to October 7, 2022.

You can connect to the online broadcast of the conference on all days of the event (from October 3 to October 7, 2022). Below are the connection details.

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Conference ID: 573 591 4956

Access code: 123456

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- Results of the first day of the conference_03.10.2022 (open).

- Results of the second day of the conference_04.10.2022 (open)

- COLLECTION OF ABSTRACTS _Scientific school-conference with international participation for young scientists “Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties"

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