What do you remember about December and November 2022? Association «StekloSouz» of Russia

What do you remember about December and November 2022? Association «StekloSouz» of Russia

1). The International Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI"


- Association "StekloSouz" of Russia,

- LLC SPC "Steklo-Gaz".

Date: November 17 - 18, 2022

Location: Gus-Khrustalny

Address: 601501, Vladimir region, Gus-Khrustalny, st. Rudnitskaya, d. 6 (in the SPC "Steklo-Gaz").

The International Forum on Production and Consumption "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI" is the main annual industrial event that brings together producers and consumers in a scientific and practical dialogue, the search for solutions in a period of complex economic policy of the state.

TOPIC: "Problems of the current state and recommendations for the growth of the glass industry until 2025. Development of production and consumption of industry products".


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2). President of the Association «StekloSouz» of Russia - winner of the annual competition «Industry Leader»

Dear colleagues!

The results of the annual competitions "Industry Leader" and "High Technology Leader" have been summed up.

Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia was awarded the Diploma of the WINNER for his great personal contribution to the development of the glass industry of the Russian Federation in the nomination "glass industry".

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3). Joint meeting with heads of federal industry associations under the auspices of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

On November 25, 2022, under the patronage of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, a joint meeting was held with the heads of federal industry associations.

Topic of the meeting: "Relocation and accelerated localization of foreign productions and their placement on the territory of the Russian Federation, including through cooperation mechanisms that ensure the protection of state and private property."

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4). Association «StekloSouz» of Russia at the conference «Standards of the window market: current state and development prospects».

Dear colleagues!

On November 24, 2022, the conference "Window market standards: current state and development prospects" was held in the Meeting Room of the Academic Council of the NRU MGSU.

The event was organized on the initiative of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MGSU) and VEKA Rus.

At the plenary session, the topic was discussed: “Rationing in the window industry. Current situation and prospects”.

Within the framework of the conference, a round table was organized: “Current problems of regulation in the window industry”.

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5). Association «StekloSouz» at the Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Glass 2022 in Russia.

Dear colleagues!

On November 22, 2022, the closing ceremony of the International Year of Glass 2022 in Russia was held at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

The ceremony was chaired by Aslan Yusupovich Tsitsvadze, Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Chemical Society. DI. Mendeleev, Head of the Materials Science Section of the OKhNM RAS, Academician of the RAS.

Full list of the Organizing Committee for holding the UN International Year of Glass in Russia in 2022 (open).

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia was presented at the Ceremony by President Viktor Osipov, a member of the Russian Organizing Committee.

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Meeting of the Presidium of the Association «StekloSouz» of Russia.

On November 14, 2022, a meeting of the Presidium of the Association «StekloSouz» of Russia was held.

Planned issues of production, provision of raw materials and the holding of the annual industry congress - the Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI" were considered.

Heads of departments reported on the results of production of various types of glass and products for 9 months of the current year. It was noted that, despite the large drop in exports, production is stable in all segments of glassmaking and industrial processing.

The leaders of the Association expressed great concern over the facts of the growth of raw materials, primarily soda, energy, gas, including paint and varnish and other components necessary for stable production.

It is noted that the rise in gas prices poses new challenges to the glass industry that hinder the development of domestic glass production. It reduces the profitability and competitiveness of Russian factories.

It was decided to prepare an analytical note to the State Duma with a demand to hold a joint meeting of industry leaders and producers of raw materials.

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7). Association "StekloSouz" of Russia at the meeting: "Opening new educational spaces", Gus-Khrustalny.

December 16, 2022 within the walls of the oldest educational institution in Russia GAPOU VO "Gusev Glass College" named after G.F. Chekhlov (GAPOU VO "GSK") in the city of Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Region, a meeting was held. The theme of the meeting: "Opening new educational spaces."

The main task of the meeting is to unite research institutes, universities, enterprises to create conditions for the development of the glass industry in Russia. Organize on the basis of GAPOU VO "GSK" a scientific, educational and production site, empowered to independently solve important and urgent tasks. The main feature of this association into an independent unit will be the development and implementation of new technologies in production with financial support from the state.

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8). Association «StekloSouz» of Russia at a meeting in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

A meeting was held in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the topic: "Strategic Directions and Instruments for the Development of the Russian Economy in Modern Conditions."

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia in his speech focused on several strategic issues of decisive importance. The government needs to stop the rise in prices for raw materials of state-owned companies. He cited as an example JSC "Bashkir Soda Company", which systematically raises the price of soda ash, which leads glass factories to a state of uncompetitiveness. The glass industry consumes over 60% of the total production of 2.7 million tons of this product.

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9). The work of the Association «StekloSouz» of Russia with educational institutions in pursuance of the decision of the congress of November 17-18, 2022

On December 15, 2022, in the city of Gus-Khrustalny, a meeting of the leaders of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia was held with a member of the StekloSoyuz, the directorate of GAPOU VO Gusev Glass College named after G.F. Chekhlov (GAPOU VO "GSK").

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, Korshunova Lyudmila Fedorovna, Head of the Scientific and Technical Center (STC SSR), Filchakov Yury Alekseevich, Director of the Gusevsky Glass College named after G.F. Chekhlov and other leaders.

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10). Industry about the need to restore state control and supervision. joint meeting

Dear colleagues!

On December 13, 2022, a joint meeting of the RSPP Committee on Licensing and Control and Supervisory Activities, the RSPP Committee on Industrial Policy and Technical Regulation and the RF CCI Committee on Technical Regulation was held. The issues of restoring state control (supervision) over the fulfillment of the requirements of 13 technical regulations, as well as over products included in the unified lists of products subject to mandatory certification and declaration of conformity, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2021 No. 2425, were discussed.

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia was represented at the meeting by Talakuev Nikolai Pavlovich, Director of the Department of Technical Regulation and Quality Control. In his speech, he expressed concern about the issue of state supervision in the field of mandatory certification and standards for industrial products in the glass industry. Nikolai Pavlovich, together with the rest of the meeting participants, took an active part in the formation of the final document.

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11). Round table «Monetary policy of the Central Bank of Russia and its impact on the state and dynamics of the development of the Russian economy».

On December 14, 2022, the State Duma hosted the Round Table “The Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of Russia and its Influence on the State and Dynamics of Development of the Russian Economy” on the eve of the upcoming December 16, 2022 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Russia.

Organizers of the Round Table: Faction of the Political Party "A Just Russia" in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The meeting was attended by representatives of legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation (representatives of relevant committees of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, relevant ministries and departments of the Government of the Russian Federation), representatives of the leadership of the Bank of Russia, heads of industry associations (unions) and large enterprises, prominent scientists, public figures, media representatives.

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia at this event was represented by President Viktor Osipov.

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12). Meeting on the problems of development of the glass industry in Russia in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

On December 7, 2022, a meeting was held in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly on the issues of the development of the glass industry in Russia.

Lugovoy Andrei Konstantinovich, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, in his speech said that the development of all segments of the glass industry is important for the state economy. The industry provides national security. An understanding of the challenges and opportunities for providing legal support to glass factories is required.

Sipyagin Vladimir Vladimirovich, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, outlined the principles that will radically improve the interaction between science, education and production.

Panesh Kaplan Mugdinovich, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes, expressed the opinion that it is necessary to study the proposals of the leaders of the glass industry.

Markov Evgeny Vladimirovich, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, in his speech noted that the correct legal organization of the collection and disposal of secondary resources will dramatically improve the environmental situation in the country. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) can be an incentive to increase the collection and consumption of recycled materials.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, made a report "On the strategic direction of the development of the glass industry".

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13). Print edition of the book: “International Year of Glass in Russia. Materials of the scientific conference.

On November 22, 2022, the closing ceremony of the International Year of Glass in Russia took place. The event was held at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The Ceremony was attended by heads of leading universities and research institutes of St. Petersburg.

At the Closing Ceremony of the International Year of Glass in Russia, a printed edition of the book was presented: “The International Year of Glass in Russia. Materials of the scientific conference. The book is published in two languages: Russian and English.

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