Господдержка предприятий-производителей строительных материалов
Liquidus temperature
The maximum temperature at which there is an equilibrium between molten glass and its primary crystalline phase
Transformation points
When measuring the thermal coefficient of linear expansion of glass, there can be two temperatures, the point Mg and the point Tg, in which the slope of the temperature dependence of the expansion varies quite sharply
Warm glass
Glass that is molded at temperatures from 600 ° C to 900 ° C
Thermal barrier
1. Thin spots in the refractory structure caused by wear, usually in the side bars.
2. The maximum temperature zone in the cooking part of the bathroom furnace.
Thermopoly (Float glass)
Sheet glass made by molding molten glass on molten metal at a controlled temperature in a protective atmosphere.
Heat-resistant glass (Heat-resisting glass)
Glass capable of withstanding severe thermal shock is usually due to a low coefficient of thermal expansion.
(from German Tiegel) a vessel (pot) of refractory refractory materials designed for melting, cooking or heating various materials, as well as for laboratory chemical work
Tinted glass
Glass, tinted in bulk, with a reduced transmittance of light and solar energy. (Domestic manufacturer - Saratov Institute of Glass)
End wall
A square wall above the pool bars at the end of the furnace, usually on the loading side
End bars
Refractory blocks, the length of which is greater than the total depth of the molten glass in the furnace
Littleton's Point
the temperature at which the viscosity of the glass is 107.65 Pz.
Softening point
The temperature above which the glass is soft enough to produce. Because any glass softens in the temperature range, the term is not accurate not satisfactory. More precise is the term “temperature 7-6”, at which the viscosity of the glass is 1000 000-10 000 000 poise
A method of engraving or modifying the surface of a glass, in which the application of the image or continuous processing is carried out by chemically active substances (etching compositions)
1. Film on the surface caused by weather.
2. A film of sulfites and sulfates on the surface formed during the annealing process
A crucible-shaped clay tank located horizontally to the side of the throat of a pot furnace to heat the ends of glass-blowing tubes
Pulled (Drown glass)
Glass, usually in the form of a sheet, made by continuous mechanical drawing