Self-cleaning glass

This is an ordinary float glass with a special photocatalytic coating. It is produced by chemically bonding and integrating a microscopically thin surface layer onto the outside of a clean glass. The integrated coating reacts with solar ultraviolet rays, resulting in a gradual continuous decomposition of organic dirt - this process is called the photocatalytic effect.


Small crystalline pieces formed on the surface of lead crystal with improper acid polishing

Lighting glass

Lighting glasses are glasses that change the spectral composition of the luminous flux of light sources (mainly artificial ones). Used in the manufacture of short-range lighting devices - lamps for indoor and outdoor lighting; long-range lighting and signaling devices, open and closed shades, caps of various sizes and shapes.


An elongated vitreous inclusion having a composition different from the surrounding glass


The part of the furnace forming the arch (roof)

Rotary kiln vault

Arch of rotary kiln for pots in the zone of exposure of pots

Neck shift

glass container defect in the form of a deviation of the outer surface of the neck rim relative to the body of the glass product.

Selective glass

Glass with a hard or soft coating providing increased thermal insulation

Gray elongated bubble

The inclusion of sodium sulfate in glass, having an elongated shape


Refractory beam used in the design of the basin of the bathroom furnace

Through cut

a glass product defect in the form of a crack passing through the entire thickness of the wall or bottom.

Pleat (glass)

a glass product defect in the form of a rough bumps of various shapes protruding on its surface.


a defect in the glass product in the form of damage to its surface as a result of chipping off a piece of glass under mechanical stress.

Glass hardening speed

the time during which a change in viscosity occurs from liquid flowing (viscosity 102 Pa s) to a solid state. Several factors affect the hardening rate, of which the most important is the nature of the change in viscosity with temperature. Depending on the rate of increase in viscosity with decreasing temperature, “long” (long-hardening) and “short” (quick-hardening) glasses are distinguished. The larger the product and the smaller its surface for a given volume, the slower it cools. The greater the heat capacity and thermal conductivity, the faster it hardens.

Impact mark

Localized surface cracks caused by impact

Cut mark

a glass container defect in the form of an imprint on a smooth surface as a result of contact of the glass melt with scissors.

Traces of shafts

The mark remaining on the surface of the rolling glass in the place where the tape temporarily adhered to the forming shafts

Clamp marks

Small recesses, usually round, opposite each other on both surfaces near the edge of the tempered glass product, left by the grips on which it was suspended for heating

Drain tray

A bar at the end of the feeder channel leading to the forming machine in non-flat glass industries


Smalta - colored glass of small sizes, used for mosaic work. Smalt is made of stained colored glass, gold and silver. The features of muffled smalt are the variety of colors, the special texture of the surface of their fracture, reminiscent of painted colors. Gold and silver smalt are small tiles consisting of two layers of glass pressed in a hot state, between which a piece of gold or silver is laid. In reflected light, thin sheets of gold give the impression of massive pieces of these metals. Gold and silver protected by a layer of glass can not lose their appearance for centuries. Smalt is used to create mosaic paintings of timeless painting. Due to the resistance of glass (smalt) to weathering, mosaic paintings for centuries do not lose the appearance and freshness of colors.

Viewing window

A small hole in the wall of the furnace through which they observe

Connecting section

Short refractory channel between the bathtub and the rotary pot drain

Salt water

A layer of molten sulfate floating on the surface of the glass in the furnace

Sun protection (Solar control glass)

Glass that reduces the transmission of solar radiation in the entire spectrum of wavelengths or in part (usually tinted or reflective).


Changes in light transmission of glass as a result of exposure to sunlight or other radiation in the visible part of the spectrum or in an adjacent area


A small hole drilled in the bottom or wall of the glass mold, allowing air between the glass mold and the glass to exit during the glass forming process

High-grade glass

Products from colorless, crystal and tinted glass, used in the form of household utensils, utensils for drinks, decorative and decorative products


Thermal connection of several glass elements into one

Descent (Tap)

1. Drain the furnace (glass).

2. Removing excess slag from the floor of the pot furnace.


A beam with a channel connecting the working part of the bathroom furnace with a set pot


Inorganic product of melting, cooled to a solid state without crystallization.

Hard coat glass

Climatic resistant glass applied by pyrolytic method.

Soft coated glass

Climate-resistant glass applied by vacuum deposition.

Glass with low emissivity coating (Low E glass)

Coated glass providing enhanced thermal insulation. The coating is hard or soft.

Electrically heated glass

it is a laminated glass containing almost invisible electrical wires. It comprises two or more sheets of glass with a layer of one or more polyvinyl butyral films.

Glass block (glass block)

A construction product with an airtight cavity, manufactured by molding (from glass) and the subsequent welding of two constituent elements (half blocks). S. are issued light-scattering and light-guiding, from colorless and painted glass, square and rectangular sections, corner, etc.


Broken glass, which can be added to the mixture for melting. It is obtained in the production process (factory cullet) or from external sources (imported cullet).

Glass furnace

The furnace, which is designed for glass melting and its preparation for molding. In a glass melting furnace, the mixture (raw materials) during heating (usually up to 1500-1600 ° C) undergoes the stages of silicate formation, mutual dissolution of silicates and residual silica, clarification (degassing), and then turns into molten glass suitable for molding products


Glass fiber is called artificial fiber made in different ways from molten glass. Due to the small diameter of the fibers, it has high strength and flexibility.

Glass blower

A craftsman who blows glass on a blow tube or on a flame of a gas burner (manual blowing), as well as on a semi-automatic machine (mechanized blowing)

Glass (Metal)

Molten glass

Double-glazed window (Insulating unit)

An product consisting of two or more sheets of glass connected along the edges so that hermetic cavities are formed between them, filled with dried gas.

Fiberglass (profile glass)

Large-sized profile products made of colorless or tinted glass, manufactured by continuous rolling. Distinguish between fiberglass box and channel sections, with a smooth, corrugated and patterned surface

Glass forming machine

device for molding glassware. Subdivided:

- on a technological basis - for blowing, pressing, vacuum blowing, press;

- on a constructive basis - on rotary, sectional and conveyor;

- by the number of simultaneously produced products - for machines with one, two, three and four-drop power;

- according to the method of supplying glass melt - to machines with drip feeding and with vacuum feeding.

Glass thread

a defect in the form of a thread in the inner cavity of a glass product connecting (not connecting) opposite walls (wall and bottom).

Glass dust

a glass product defect in the form of small powdery glass fragments in the inner cavity.

Glass container

glass products intended for packaging, storage, transportation, sale of food and beverages. According to the manufacturing method, glass containers are divided into:

- narrow-necked (with an inner diameter of the throat up to 30 mm), used mainly for liquid products;

- wide-necked (with an inner diameter of the throat of more than 300 mm), used, as a rule, for semi-liquid and solid products.

Advantages of glass containers: hygiene, transparency, do not interact with the contents of the product, the possibility of hermetic closure, variety of assortment, manufacturability.

The disadvantages of glass containers: low mechanical strength, large specific gravity per unit of packaged products.

Glass casting

Molding a product by pouring molten glass into a mold


Stemalit - glass plates and panels coated on one side with ceramic paints. Ceramic paints are a mixture of coloring substances - pigments with special low-melting glasses, the so-called fluxes. As coloring substances - pigments - various metal oxides are used, as well as aluminates and silicates. It is used for cladding the external walls of residential buildings, industrial and public buildings, for finishing bathrooms and kitchens.

The degree of hardening (Temper)

The amount of residual stresses in the annealed product, determined by comparison with a disk voltage standard


Stripes or waves, usually horizontal, on the surface of glassware


Refractory body installed in the channel for regulating the flow of glass into the rotating bowl of the suction type-setting machine

Building glass

Glass products used for glazing light openings, devices of transparent and translucent partitions, cladding and decoration of walls, stairs and other parts of buildings


Flat glass thickness; in the case of flat glass, usually expressed in ounces divided by square foot

Sulphate Foam (Gall)

A layer of molten sulfate floating on the surface of the glass in the furnace

Sulfate bubble

Inclusions of sodium sulfate in glass

Sulphide glass

A variety of stained glass opal glass of various colors from light amber to almost black, stained with sulfide compounds of iron and zinc

Super-clear glass

Colorless glass with low iron content, thereby achieving its increased transparency


The industry term for antimony trioxide

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