Forecast for training specialists

Forecast for training specialists

Dear colleagues!

To draw up a plan and programs for training or advanced training of employees of glass container factories, it is necessary to draw up a forecast for personnel training by specialties by year, determine which specialties to train in universities or colleges.

To do this, please send completed forms for planning personnel training for your enterprise, presented on the website of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia.

After processing the data, educational institutions will be determined that will undertake the training of these specialists, indicating the timing and cost of training.

Applications should be sent to the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia by e-mail: or to the Scientific and Technical Center "StekloSouz" of Russia by e-mail:


- Forecast for training specialists (download) .

Publication from 16.12.2024 on accepting applications for training (open).

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