Господдержка предприятий-производителей строительных материалов
Dear colleagues!
We inform you that on the basis of the Research and Production Center "Glass-Gaz" at the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, the Scientific and Technical Center (STC SSR) was created, whose activities provide for the preparation of scientific and technical developments for implementation at the enterprises of the industry; holding seminars to improve the skills of employees of glass enterprises; ensuring communication between higher and special educational institutions and glass production, participating in the preparation of thematic plans of educational institutions at the request of glass enterprises.
1). Order on the creation of the STC SSR ;
2). Work plan of the STC SSR ;
3). Plan of seminars of STC SSR .
We ask you to send proposals for the work of the STC SSR to e-mail: ntc@steklosouz.ru and steklogaz@list.ru.
President of the Association StekloSouz of Russia
Viktor Osipov