Program of the National United Council of Glass Industry Enterprises «StekloSouz» «Development of the Russian glass industry for the period 2024 - 2030»

Program of the National United Council of Glass Industry Enterprises «StekloSouz» «Development of the Russian glass industry for the period 2024 - 2030»

Dear Colleagues!

We are publishing an interview with Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia for the magazine “ECORECYCLING” of the Interregional Industrial Corporation “ECORECYCLING”:

Program of the National United Council of Glass Industry Enterprises "StekloSoyuz" "Development of the Russian glass industry for the period 2024 - 2030"

The program is the result of the collective efforts of our Joint Council. "StekloSouz" in its Program strives to show the glass industry and government officials what the industry is striving for, and the methods by which it is necessary to implement our goals so that the glass industry develops harmoniously.

The main idea of our Program is to draw the attention of the authorities to the fact that the government’s self-removal from governance creates a power vacuum and the functions of the state atrophy. The experience of the last decade suggests that only a strong state, relying on federal industry organizations, is able to practically ensure the economic growth of its own production and the prosperity of the people.

The program is designed on the basis that the Government will return to the development of national economic interests and the intellectual potential of the glass industry will be preserved.

The "StekloSouz" program provides for solving two types of problems. Firstly, it is about overcoming the fierce pressure of foreign competitors. Secondly, it shows a real way to expand our own production, strengthen and develop science, industrial engineering, eliminate social obstacles to reject young specialists, systematically introduce energy-efficient technologies into production, build autonomous energy sources, achieve compliance of the quality of products with world standards, and strengthen competitive ability enterprises in the industry, create a powerful raw material base. Requirements have been formulated for manufacturers of refractories, metal structures, construction and installation works and other related industries.

The program provides answers to many questions that concern workers in our industry. As before, we argue that the variety of forms of ownership and methods of management expands the capabilities of the economy and allows for a more complete use of human and material resources. This statement is based on practical indicators of 20 years of development experience and the current state of our industry.

Industry development

The dynamic and harmonious development of the glass industry will strengthen its authority at the level of Russian macroeconomics and in the global glass market.

Strong intra-industry connections

The most important task of "StekloSouz" is to strengthen intra-industry unity and develop the glass industry as a single harmonious structure capable of self-development based on its own and international experience.

The glass industry is still at the beginning of the transition to new economic relations, this predetermines many failures of economic cooperation in the industry; moreover, stratification is gaining momentum in such sub-sectors as science, mechanical engineering and construction and installation work.

"StekloSouz" believes that the best way to overcome these phenomena should be cooperation; this form of cooperation will ensure coordination of the interests of the industry and its economic entities.

We offer:

• intra-industry equality of all subjects of the glass industry;

• support intra-industry cooperation through the development of contractual relations;

• support intra-industry integration by supporting the development of the "StekloSouz" economic association with the voluntary transfer of coordinating functions to it;

• instruct StekloSoyuz to persistently continue the dialogue with the executive and legislative authorities, demanding a transition to sectoral methods of regulation and management of industry.

"StekloSouz" strives for the establishment of real economic growth of its own production in close cooperation, and sometimes cooperation with industry scientific, engineering, raw materials, construction and installation works, refractory enterprises and related industries on a mutually beneficial long-term basis.

The economic partnership between "StekloSouz" and the regions should be built on the principles of fairness and mutual responsibility.

As before, the most important direction of "StekloSouz" remains the creation of regional economic associations as regulators of economic and legal interaction between market entities.

In the activities of regional associations we see a model of effective economic activity of the glass industry as an important tool of pressure on the authorities according to the scheme Factory - "Region" - "StekloSouz" - Ministries, Government, State Duma.

"StekloSouz" will achieve:

• introduction of tax, customs and credit systems that stimulate the glass industry to economic growth;

• legislative strengthening by the state of the legal role of federal economic associations for joint coordination of macroeconomic development plans;

• compensation by the government to industry enterprises for damage resulting from an unlawful decision of the authorities.

We assert that the following solutions will be the necessary conditions for the qualitative development of the glass industry:

• creation of a system of high-quality public administration, control and continuous improvement of state construction;

• priority solution to the problems of creating scientific, technical, design and production reserves, performing R&D aimed at creating a new, unified, standardized (according to industry regulations) highly efficient system of the glass industry;

• bringing the financial support system for industrial science into line with new economic conditions;

• improving the system and level of public control over the development of the industry;

• construction of a system of recruitment, training and retraining of specialists in the new economic conditions;

• search and implementation of new legal forms and ways of influencing "StekloSouz" on the harmonious development of the industry;

• creation of an attractive social security system for industry specialists, constant work to improve their social status.

We consider the formation and development of an effective system of public control that corresponds to the democratic principles of our state and society to be the most important factor in solving assigned tasks and ensuring the effectiveness of decisions made by the heads of industry enterprises. However, associative control should not replace professional management and undermine the foundations of unity of command in the management of industry enterprises. System control is intended to become a way of effective political and economic management of the interests of the industry as a whole, to ensure its compliance with the requirements of the international rules of the corporate game, to influence the resolution of existing problems and contradictions, to ensure the proper balance between the interests of individual enterprises and the development priorities of the glass industry as a whole.

Increasing the quality level of the industry is unthinkable without developing priorities: informatization, science, mechanical engineering, a full-fledged system of training and retraining of specialists.

Industrial complex

We cannot promise significant growth in industrial science, but we believe that we need to develop a targeted and effective program for the preservation and development of industrial science and mechanical engineering for the industrial complex of the industry. The goal is the large-scale use of their potential for the further development of the Russian glass industry.

The interaction program should be as realistic as possible, taking into account, first of all, the interests of all subjects, with reliable financial and managerial mechanisms for its implementation. Systematicity and consistency in achieving set goals is the basis of our approaches to solving assigned tasks.

We see the most important areas of our work to solve these problems:

• integration of developers and manufacturers of glass products within the framework of industrial structures of a new type (holdings, financial and industrial groups, etc.), intensification of the processes of creating transnational corporations in the field of production, primarily with the participation of organizations and enterprises of the states - former republics of the SSR ;

• restructuring of the glass industry through its integration with scientific, engineering and other sectors, concentration of production in enterprises with advanced technologies and scientific and technical capabilities, creation of large diversified companies;

• transfer to the structures of federal state unitary enterprises, research institutes and enterprises of the defense complex, the diversification of production in the interests of national security is inappropriate, and the share of government orders will become the main one;

• ensuring a balanced combination of the interests of the industry's production complex with solving the problem of efficient management of new structures that are corporate property.

The economic policy of the industrial complex of the industry must be turned to face the real life of specialists. The main criterion for the effectiveness of economic growth in the industry is the increase in the well-being of glass industry workers. And as a consequence - motivation to settle down and high-quality, intensive work, which gives workers in the industry the means to a decent standard of living, and the production complex - stable growth.

Human capital is the main component of Russia's national heritage, even more important than our vast natural resources. However, to date in Russia there are no mechanisms to ensure the effective implementation of this potential in the economic sphere.

We believe that in this decade, both federal and regional government authorities must solve a dual task: actively promote the process of forming real owners and at the same time return to the economy as a key subject. A dangerous vacuum needs to be filled

in the economic management system.

Therefore our suggestions:

• the government is obliged to ensure a truly market regime in the economy, to develop mechanisms for its state regulation;

• it is necessary to shift the focus of attention of the government and industry organizations to the development of science, innovative mechanical engineering, equipment, cheaper energy tariffs, and personnel training;

• increasing the role of the government should be subordinated to economic incentives for the introduction of new technologies, structural restructuring of the economy for real economic growth. The main tool for achieving these goals, within the framework of a partnership between government and business, is to use federal industry organizations;

• "StekloSouz" will continue to persistently and consistently pursue the line of maximum regulation of the work of government structures based on the creation of a regulatory framework in line with market principles, transparency in the development and adoption of economic decisions. Exercise industry control over the distribution of orders and loans by executive structures of power, clear procedural design and execution.

These are the tasks in which "StekloSouz" sees the key to increasing the efficiency of government regulation of the industry. We will ensure that the programming and regulation of economic processes is carried out in accordance with cooperation agreements reached on a tripartite basis between enterprises, "StekloSouz" and relevant ministries. Such agreements can be reached at any level - from an enterprise to an entity and the government as a whole. We advocate that public institutions can actually take control of the implementation of such agreements and become an active and equal partner of the government in ensuring their strict implementation. "StekloSouz" is obliged to ensure that economic legislation is more transparent and clear. In all regions of Russia, the authorities are obliged to create conditions for the normal functioning of industry enterprises, which, under favorable conditions, are capable of creating numerous additional jobs and significantly increasing the revenue side of budgets at all levels.

Our goal is the prosperity of the glass industry.

Link to online version of the release:

"StekloSouz" in the media (more details)

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