Glass manufacturing plant in Obninsk headed for import substitution

Glass manufacturing plant in Obninsk headed for import substitution

This Russian enterprise has no equal in the country, and in many positions in the world. We are talking about the company "Technology", which is part of the state corporation "Rostec". Obninsk engineers develop and manufacture high-strength glazing for aviation, rail and sea transport. Now a course has been taken for full import substitution.

“In fact, the bird is one of the biggest problems. It can hit all fragments of the aircraft. And glazing is a mandatory element of such a test. They are carried out under the control of the Federal Air Transport Agency, they are considered certification ones, ”said the director of the Glass direction of ONPP Tekhnologiya named after. A.G. Romashina Dmitry Petrachkov.

They know everything about glass. Here they design, create, test. Glazing is produced for a variety of areas - aviation, railway and not only. They offered to check the quality.

“Part of aviation glazing is monolithic optical polycarbonate. Now I will try to break it with a hammer, or at least make a few cracks, ”says an employee of the enterprise.

Will survive, even if beaten with a sledgehammer. But this is more for exhibitions, for advertising. But this cannon-like rig is a professional test rig. Let's check the quality of the glass for the locomotive of the train.

In this case, we use the side glass of an electric locomotive of the VL 8, 10 type. This is the main type of locomotives of our Russian railways, ”explained a test engineer at ORPP Tekhnologiya im. A.G. Romashina Sergei Galelyuk.

They will shoot with an empty glass bottle. Such rules are spelled out in GOST.

The bottle flew out at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. As a result, the glass completely passed the test, there is not a single crack.

Today, the Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise "Tekhnologiya" is the head enterprise of the holding in the field of the chemical industry of the state corporation "Rostec". The task of engineers is to completely get away from import dependence. And it succeeds, step by step.

“Today, we have minimized import dependence both in the production of serial products and for those aircraft that are being designed today and are planned for release in the near future,” Dmitry Petrachkov said.

To make strong glass that can withstand impact and not injure people, you need a special adhesive film. Previously, it was completely purchased abroad. Recently switched to domestic, which showed excellent results.

“The film has good adhesion and allows glass to be used at various temperature changes, for example, from minus 60 to plus 60, and also withstands high dynamic loads,” said the head of the shop at ORPE Tekhnologiya named after A. A.G. Romashina Sergei Nikolaev.

And in this area, straight glass can be given any shape. The technology has been developed and patented. It turned out faster, cheaper and better.

“Glass is placed on a mold, driven into a furnace, heated, and under the influence of temperature, it shrinks onto the mold. It turns out the specified glass geometry. Glass becomes, as we call it, tinted,” Sergey Nikolaev explained.

The history of the enterprise is rich in unique developments. What is the cost of glazing and thermal protection for the Buran reusable spacecraft. All this was created here.


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