In memory of Kizilov Sergey Nikolaevich

In memory of Kizilov Sergey Nikolaevich

With deep regret, we inform you that on February 8, 2022, Sergey Kizilov passed away.

Sergey Nikolaevich Kizilov was born on September 30, 1932 in Moscow.

After graduating from school with a silver medal, in 1951 he entered the Moscow Mining Institute. I.V. Stalin at the faculty of "Open Mining". After defending his diploma in 1957, he came to work at the PC "Proektgidromekhanizatsiya", where already in 1960 he became the head of the group in the hydromechanization department. Possessing extensive practical experience accumulated on numerous business trips, in 1967 Sergey Nikolayevich returned to the Mining Institute to the position of head of the field party of the branch laboratory of hydromechanization at the Department of Open Mining, and in 1975 brilliantly defended his Ph.D. topic "Research of the processes of open hydromechanized mining of diluted coals at deep horizons".

Having exhausted the possibilities of his position at the Mining Institute, Sergey Nikolayevich in the same year went to work at the All-Union Order of the Red Banner of Labor Research Institute for Standardization (VNIIS) as head of the sector, where he worked for almost 16 years.

On 04/01/1992, Sergey Nikolayevich became the head of the department for standardization of products in the mining industries, the fuel industry, glass and glass products at VNITSSMV (All-Russian Research Center for Standardization, Information and Certification of Raw Materials, Materials and Substances). Since that day, the main activity of Sergei Nikolayevich has been inextricably linked with the glass industry, certification of equipment and products of glass industries.

On January 9, 2013, Sergey Nikolayevich holds the post of adviser to the director of the VNITSSMV (since November 24, 2014 - FSUE VNII SMT) and remains in this position until the last days of his life.

Principled and uncompromising in his work, generously sharing his knowledge and experience, with great respect for colleagues and all developers of new products, he was intolerant of falsification and incompetence.

Sergey Nikolaevich managed to create a special community that unites creative people from all over the country: developers of new products, testers, certifiers, manufacturers, among whom he enjoyed well-deserved respect, authority and love.

For many years of work, Sergei Nikolayevich was awarded the medal "In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow" (02/26/1997), the badge "For Merit in Standardization" (09/17/2002) and numerous certificates, he was awarded the title Veteran of Labor (07/14/2004).

The range of his personal interests was wide: taking care of his beloved sons, traveling, collecting minerals, stamps, woodcarving….

Friendly, hospitable, highly erudite, with an amazing sense of humor, he was always happy to communicate with us and was looking forward to it.

Dear Sergei Nikolaevich! Your departure from life is an irreparable and bitter loss for us. You will always live in our grateful hearts and in our memory.

Our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Sergei Nikolaevich Kizilov.

On behalf of myself and the entire Presidium of the StekloSoyuz Association, I express my sincere condolences to the families and friends of the deceased.

The bright memory of Sergey Nikolaevich Kizilov will remain in the hearts of everyone who had the opportunity to communicate and work with this wonderful person.


President of the Association "StekloSouz"

Viktor Osipov

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