International Scientific and Practical Conference «State and Prospects for the Development of the Digital Environment in the Sphere of Solid Waste Management»

International Scientific and Practical Conference «State and Prospects for the Development of the Digital Environment in the Sphere of Solid Waste Management»

November 25, 2021 Higher School of Tariff Regulation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "PRUE G.V. Plekhanov "with the support of PPK" REO "and members of the Consortium for scientific and methodological support of the transition to a circular economy held the International Scientific and Practical Conference" State and Prospects for the Development of the Digital Environment in the Field of Solid Waste Management "(hereinafter - the" Conference "), which took place at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "PRUE them. G.V. Plekhanov ".

The conference was dedicated to the transition to a circular economy; during the conference, the experience of the operational activities of regional operators in the digitalization of this industry was considered, as well as the issues of harmonizing the interests of regions, private investors and funding organizations.

The Conference was attended by scientists, experts and specialists in the field of circular economy, as well as representatives of state, regional and municipal structures that regulate waste management, and representatives of organizations providing services for the transportation, processing, disposal and disposal of waste.

The Association StekloSouz of Russia at this conference was represented by:

  • Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia;
  • Andrey Demura, Vice President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, Director of the Department of Digital Technologies;
  • Alexey Savin, Chairman of the Ecology Committee of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia.

Andrey Demura made a presentation on the topic: “Industry 4.0 technologies - an objective tool for monitoring and generating verified data in order to implement legislation in the field of EPR. Proposal for the implementation of a pilot project for the hollow glass industry. "

In his report, Andrei Demura noted that the scope of legislation in the field of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) requires effective administration and enforcement. At present, this area is largely “not transparent” (not clear) due to the lack of well-developed mechanisms of interaction between market participants (government agencies, packaging manufacturers and utilizers).

At present, the number of proposals for the illegitimate fulfillment of obligations under the legislation in the field of EPR is several times higher than the number of proposals that meet the requirements of the legislation (the amount of waste disposed of according to documents often exceeds the actual amount).

This is due, among other things, to the difficulties of preparing and submitting reports for packaging manufacturers, who are forced to turn to companies that use "gray" schemes for services. It is difficult to identify the unreliability of such enterprises during an audit. Since there is no verification mechanism yet, such schemes will work.

One of the tools that will help build a transparent and effective system of relationships between market participants in the field of EPR is Industry 4.0 technologies - smart manufacturing, the Internet of Things, big data and analytics, including using artificial intelligence. Naturally, the effective use of Industry 4.0 technologies is possible only in combination with a number of other organizational and managerial measures, which are now being actively pursued by RER.

Why is digitalization needed in this area?

As a general rule, it is impossible to manage what cannot be measured. The market in the field of EPR is the movement of huge material flows (packaging), the first thing that needs to be done is to take control of the movement of these flows.

Currently, all production and disposal is carried out on equipment equipped with automated process control systems (APCS). You can connect to any process control system and read data automatically, thereby eliminating the human factor and creating an objective information field about the mass of recycled packaging by market participants.

Andrey Demura proposed to consider in detail the area of glass container production.

A feature of the production of glass products is that it is a non-stop conveyor production. After starting the kiln, the line operates continuously throughout the entire life of the kiln. The production conveyor consists of a fleet of equipment from various manufacturers, united in a single chain. Each redistribution is controlled, autonomously, by its own process control system and software.

Primary data on the mass of manufactured and disposed products (glass containers) can only be read from the APCS software. Most of the process control systems of technological areas do not have an archive with data. Accordingly, data can be read and written to a third-party database only at the time of its formation (generation). To do this, it is necessary, using Industry 4.0 technologies, to develop (and possibly certify) a mechanism for reading, delivering and recording verified primary data on packaging utilization with the APCS software into the RERO PPK Database.

Andrey Demura provided a model for accounting for raw materials used in the preparation of a charge (including cullet) on the example of one of the glass container factories in the Russian Federation.

The technical implementation of a pilot project for the glass packaging industry is possible with the help of domestic developments of the Skolkovo Innovation Center companies.

Also in the course of the report, a schematic diagram of material flow control was presented, which consists in the development and connection of specialized communication units that collect primary information from the process control system and transmit it via 4G and 5G networks to the RER database.

The next step is to scale up the technology to other industries that are within the perimeter of EPR legislation.

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