What do you remember about October 2022? Association StekloSouz of Russia

What do you remember about October 2022? Association StekloSouz of Russia

1). Scientific school-conference with international participation for young scientists “Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties".

Dear colleagues!

In the period from 03 to 07 October 2022, an important industry event took place: Scientific school-conference with international participation for young scientists “Functional glasses and glassy materials: Synthesis. Structure. Properties".

The conference was held in accordance with the approved plan for the interaction of production, research institutes and educational institutions by the Association "StekloSoyuz" of Russia together with the Institute of Chemistry of Silicates. I.V. Grebenshchikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICS RAS).

Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia and Irina Kruchinina , Vice-President of "StekloSouz" of Russia, Director of the IHS RAS were approved as co-chairs of this industry event.

Within the framework of the conference, master classes were held, round tables were organized, the conference participants visited the Mendeleev Center of St. Petersburg State University, the unique library of the Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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2). President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia Viktor Osipov. visited a plant for the production of foam glass in the Leningrad region.

On October 06, 2022, Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, visited a foam glass plant in the Leningrad Region as part of the industry program for the development of the glass industry.

The plant plans to produce foam glass for various sectors of the national economy.

As part of the visit of Viktor Osipov, a joint meeting of the management of StekloSouz of Russia and the enterprise OOO PSZ was held.

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3). Scheduled meeting on the development of domestic glass engineering.

The second decade of October 2022 ended with a scheduled meeting of the heads of departments of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia on the development of domestic glass engineering.

The meeting was held with the participation of the leading machine-building plants of Russia.

Heads of "StekloSouz" services reported on the current state of production of machinery and equipment for various segments of the glass industry.

It was decided, together with the Administration of the Oryol region, to create a working group for a qualitative assessment of the possibilities for import substitution of machinery and equipment for various segments of the production of glass and products.

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4). Meeting of the Presidium of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia.

On October 25, 2022, under the chairmanship of Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, a scheduled meeting of the Presidium of the "StekloSouz" of Russia was held.

Issues were discussed following the results of the work of the glass industry for nine months of the current year.

The main tasks in 2022 are to maintain the production of glass and products in various segments of the industry. An important requirement of today is the technical regulation of production and environmental safety.

Heads of departments reported on the current state of glass production and products. It was noted that the volumes of production, after a decrease due to a fall in exports, are being restored due to an increase in consumption in the domestic market.

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