Anti-crisis online seminar for manufacturers and exporters held in Moscow

Anti-crisis online seminar for manufacturers and exporters held in Moscow

On Sunday, April 19, the Moscow Export Center (IEC) held an online crisis workshop for metropolitan manufacturers and exporters.

The online meeting was held as part of the Moscow School of Exporter (MSE) educational program created by the Moscow Export Center for capital entrepreneurs working in foreign markets.

Experts, including representatives of European business, discussed with the entrepreneurs the stages of the anti-crisis plan, the possibilities of changing the export assortment, and also proposed effective tools for managing the business in difficult conditions.

- The market never drops to zero: it can only “sink”, go down. Even now, in February-March this year, we observed export niches that did not “sag”, but showed growth of up to 50 percent, ”said Zhanna Martynova, member of the Committee on Foreign Economic Affairs of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, general director of the analytical company.

According to her, companies that can remain on the market during the crisis will gain advantages over competitors after it ends.

According to the analytical company, which is headed by an expert, today the niches that have preserved export activity and the possibility of working in them are construction, pharmaceutical, as well as retail food, that is, retail.

“The experience of successfully overcoming difficulties by German companies in the areas of sales of household appliances, production and marketing of industrial sensors and the glass industry during the financial crisis of 2008 showed that any crisis is not the end, but only the beginning, new opportunities,” the Director General of the Berlin company confirmed Veronica Lubke.

Another important criterion for a successful recovery of a business from the crisis in the current environment is the availability of reliable statistical information.

- Statistics of exports, rail transport, international trade, domestic statistics of countries. All this today must necessarily be included in the anticrisis plan of the exporter, ”said the speaker Zhanna Martynova.

According to the expert, the search for new customers and suppliers, as well as the analysis of competitors and new markets, remain the same principles of success in export.


Alexey Fursin, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow:

- Recently, we have supplemented the list of support measures for capital exporters: we have introduced a new - grant - financing mechanism for them, and also expanded the possibilities for cost compensation through subsidies. In this situation, it is important for entrepreneurs to correctly use the resources available to them and find points of potential growth. The speakers of the IEC webinar shared with the exporters action algorithms that are based on their own experience and will help you navigate in difficult conditions.


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