Meeting of ONF experts

Meeting of ONF experts

The work plan of the ONF for 2019 was reviewed. This document was prepared for consideration in the framework of the implementation of federal projects: “Clean Country”; "A comprehensive system for the treatment of municipal solid waste"; “Infrastructure for waste management of I-II hazard classes”; "Fresh air"; "Clean water" and others.

As it is known, the main tasks of the ONF Expert Council are the implementation of the May decree approved by the President of Russia, incl. in the direction of "Ecology":

- efficient handling of production and consumption wastes;
- a cardinal decrease in the level of pollution;
- improving the quality of drinking water for the population and other tasks.

Priority issues were identified at the ONF Congress of 11/29/2018.

The expert meeting was opened by the co-chairman of the central headquarters of the ONF Tsunaeva Elena Moiseevna. In her report, she spoke about the ONF plan for 2019 and the roadmap for the implementation of the document. The goal is to create an effective collection system for MSW.

Olga Timofeeva - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation drew the attention of experts to the need to create a legal field aimed at implementing the Presidential Decree. She proposed to formulate proposals for the creation of a legislative initiative by deputies of the State Duma to reform the treatment of solid waste.

State Duma deputy Vladimir Gutenev said that the implementation of the Presidential Decree is an important task of the executive branch of Russia.

ONF experts:

Artem Sedov, Director General of Big Three JSC, reported on the great difficulties in collecting waste in many areas in the north of the Russian Federation, since there is no transport accessibility to certain localities. It is impossible to ensure the collection of household waste.

Rosina Natalya Viktorovna - President of the ANO Center for Support of Ecological and Social Programs “Sustainable Development” gave an example with the rational use of deforestation in the Soviet Union, when they reforested forests and the state budget received monetary resources of up to 30 percent. But now the forest industry is subsidized: the income is 20–30 billion rubles, and the budget subsidies are 50–60 billion rubles. At the same time, such countries as Finland, Canada, the USA in this area have excess profits.

Andrei Y. Nagibin - co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Republic of Mari El drew attention to the fact that enterprises are obliged to install emission meters for environmental monitoring. However, the meters cost up to 20 million rubles for one system. He proposed that the state install counters to monitor emissions.

Andrey Khromov, Chairman of the Society for the Protection of Patients, told about the problems of territorial planning. He said that the lack of territorial planning will not allow the system of public control to develop. You need transparency and openness, then you can move environmental issues from a standstill.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich - President of the Association StekloSouz of Russia in his report proposed in all legal acts to exclude phrases: MSW, MSW, household garbage and other definitions of waste. There is an urgent need for the Federal Law on secondary raw materials. He gave an example that every year in Russia, glass factories produce about 20 million tons of glass, 70 percent go to landfills and only 30 - 35 percent return to re-melting. There is a government decree prohibiting disposal of glass, paper, metal, plastic at landfills, but no one is following it. As a result, the glass industry imports raw materials from cullet from Ukraine and Belarus.

There are investors, but no one gives them a guarantee of ensuring the utilization of the production capacity of the plant.

The Association StekloSouz of Russia gives a 100 percent guarantee for the purchase of raw materials from cullet. However, until the investor sees that the capacities of the plants will be loaded, they will not invest in construction. Therefore, in Russia there are no such plants.

He noted that it was time to cancel the strange taxes on the collection of secondary raw materials, personal income tax and VAT. He cited the example of the USSR, where the collection of glass, paper, metal was organized at the highest level. Almost 100 percent of recycled glass went into re-melting, but the state did not create such taxes.

Secondary raw materials were processed up to 87-89 percent.

Experts proposed to create a system of openness through information and analytical centers in support of the environment and more.

The expert meeting made decisions.

Press Center of StekloSouz.

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