Господдержка предприятий-производителей строительных материалов
Dear colleagues!
From January 28 to 31, 2025, the complex of buildings of the Russian Biotechnology University (ROSBIOTECH) will host key events for representatives of the Russian beer and soft drinks industry - producers of grain and technical raw materials, bottled water, brewing and soft drinks (more than 4,500 companies with a total GDP of > 1.2 trillion rubles):
✔ meeting of the expert jury of the II federal project "ROSGLAVVODA - The Main Water of Russia";
✔ meeting of the expert jury of the VIII beer and brewing product quality competition "ROSGLAVPIVO® - The Main Beer of Russia";
✔ II conference "Production of grain and technical raw materials for enterprises of the alcohol, brewing, hop-growing and malting industries of Russia";
✔ XIV international Forum "Beer and soft drinks industry of Russia - A look into the future".
The events are traditionally held with information support and with the participation of representatives of the management of federal bodies of state executive and legislative power of the Russian Federation.
The total number of participants in the events will be more than 500 people.
As part of the Forum, two panel discussions will be held: "Power: Water and Beer of Russia" and "Business: Water and Beer of Russia".
Viktor Osipov, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, will take part in the Forum as a member of the jury and one of the speakers.
Photo archive 2023
A cooperation agreement was concluded between the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia and the organizers of the Russian competition of brewing products "ROSGLAVPIVO® - The Main Beer of Russia".
Based on this agreement, the heads of the committees and departments of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia are working together with the organizers of the Russian competition of brewing products "ROSGLAVPIVO® - The Main Beer of Russia" to increase the consumption of environmentally friendly glass packaging for bottling soft drinks and beer.
Currently, the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia attaches particular importance to the development of glass container consumption in this industry.
Expanding the consumption of environmentally friendly glass packaging for bottling soft drinks and beer is the key to the health of the Russian population.
- Program of the XIV International Forum "Beer and Soft Drinks Industry of Russia - A Look into the Future" (open) .