Work with industry enterprises to implement a tool for monitoring and generating verified data from industry enterprises.

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia sees the importance and urgent need to simplify (automate) the procedure for preparing and submitting reports for industry enterprises as much as possible.

The specialists of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia believe that the solution to this issue lies in the plane of reading data directly from the APCS software in automatic mode, in order to also completely eliminate the “human factor” and create an objective information field about the mass of produced and recycled packaging and increase the profitability of industry enterprises.

The heads of the relevant departments and committees of "StekloSouz", together with the members of the Association, have developed an IT solution that can be installed at industry enterprises in order to increase business profitability indicators.

⦿ Work algorithm in this area:

1. Sending an Application for clarification of this area to the email address: , Alexey Savin, Chairman of the Committee on Ecology of the USSR

2. Conducting a video conference by technical specialists of the enterprise and the Association, defining a pilot module (technical staff)

  • Cold and hot sections
  • Accounting for pallets by unique identifiers
  • Batch shop;
  • Furnaces

3. Concluding an agreement for a test mode of operation (1 quarter, a certain module)

4. Reconciliation of indicators after the test mode

5. Concluding an annual support agreement and certain modules (Software, hardware, implementation)

Implementation of this solution can be carried out under the preferential lending program in cooperation with the Competition "Regions - Sustainable Development" (


- Application Form (download) .

Responsible person for interaction:

Alexey Savin, Chairman of the Committee on Ecology of the SSR


mobile +7 968 736 1588

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