WORKING GROUP “Industrial processing. Safe and fireproof glass

Dear friends, colleagues!

In order to improve and develop the domestic industrial processing of glass and to promote the wider use of translucent structures, safe and fire-prevention glass, a Working Group "Industrial Processing. Safe and Fire-Resistant Glass" was organized at the StekloSouz of Russia.

Gorin Andrey Evgenievich, Director of the Department of flat glass and industrial processing of the StekloSouz of Russia, was appointed Head of the Working Group.

The composition of the Working Group was approved:

GORIN Andrey Evgenievich, Director of the flat glass and industrial processing department of StekloSouz (head of the Working Group)

BLINOV Evgeny Vladimirovich, Director of Glasser LLC (Deputy Head of the Working Group)

MITYAEV A.V., Deputy. Director General of PHOTOTECH Company (Deputy Head of the Working Group)

BONDALETOV Dmitry Nikolaevich, Commercial Director of JSC "Gusev Glass Factory named after F. Dzerzhinsky"

BOCHENKOV Anatoly Alekseevich, General Director of the Air Force

GAMORA Alexander Vladislavovich, General Director of INPRUS LLC

DUNAEV Vladimir Sergeevich, Commercial Director, LLC Symbol Plant

SMIRNOV Yuri Fedorovich, Technical Director of OSS-Kant LLC

CHESNOKOV Alexander Georgievich, Chairman of TC 41 "Glass", Head of the Standardization and Testing Department of the Institute of Glass

CHULKOVA Elena Ivanovna, Security Expert, Avangard LLC

Documents of the Working Group:

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