
Доклад в рамках Форума «Стекло и современные технологии – XXI» на тему: «Шлакоситаллы на основе отходов цветной металлургии»
Dear colleagues! From November 21 to 22, 2024, a large-scale industry event - the 25th annual International Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI" - was held at the State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of Higher Education "Gus Glass College" named after G.F. Chekhlov (Vladimir Region, Gus-Khrustalny, Pisareva St., 17). We are publishing a report within the Forum on the topic: "Slag-ceramics based on non-ferrous metallurgy waste". Speakers: Kristina Igorevna Belikova, Senior Researcher, New Materials Department, Glass Institute LLC, Moscow; Evgenia Andreevna Filippova, Senior Researcher, Glass-ceramics Department, Glass Institute LLC, Moscow.
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
The Association StekloSouz of Russia congratulates Borzov Konstantin (OJSC DINUR)!
Прием заявок на Международный климатический конкурс «Зеленая Евразия»
​Dear colleagues! The Association StekloSouz of Russia has an ecology committee. One of its priority areas is the promotion of the climate agenda. As part of its work in this area, the Association StekloSouz of Russia has signed an agreement with the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects" (hereinafter referred to as the Agency). We inform you that the Agency, together with the Eurasian Economic Commission, is holding the International Climate Competition "Green Eurasia" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).
Поздравляем С Днём Рождения!
The Association StekloSouz of Russia congratulates Anatoly Ulanovsky (Obninsk Thermoelectric Company LLC) on his birthday!
Экскурсия на «Сибстекло» вошла в путеводитель по промышленному туризму Союзного государства России и Беларуси
Dear colleagues, we publish news about the member of the StekloSouz Association of Russia, Sibirskoye Steklo LLC (Sibsteklo): The industrial tourism guide of the Union State “Two Countries, Thousands of Factories” was published by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus.
Выставка «ИнтерСтройЭкспо» ─ 2025 открывает старт строительного сезона в СЗФО!
Dear colleagues! As part of the information partnership, the StekloSouz Association of Russia announces that: The International Exhibition InterStroyExpo 2025 will be held on April 15-17, 2025 in St. Petersburg, in the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Center (Pavilion H).
В ТПП России презентовали механизм поддержки промышленной кооперации в ЕАЭС
On March 20, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry held an open presentation of a mechanism to support industrial cooperation in the EAEU and joint cooperation projects for business associations of partner countries and chambers of commerce and industry. As is known, the StekloSouz Association of Russia (SSR) is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI RF). The heads of the relevant committees and departments of the SSR are members of the working groups in the system of this Russian voluntary non-governmental association of entrepreneurs. Viktor Ivanovich Osipov, President of the StekloSouz Association of Russia, took part in the work of this event.
Международная научная конференция - XVI Академические чтения, посвященные 100–летию академика РААСН Бондаренко В.М. и 96-летию академика РААСН Осипова Г.Л.
The International scientific conference will be held on July 1-3, 2025 XVI Academic readings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences V. M. Bondarenko and the 96th anniversary of Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences G. L. Osipov «CURRENT ISSUES OF CONSTRUCTION. RELIABILITY OF BUILDING STRUCTURES. ENERGY SAVING. ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE"
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