XII International Forum: Russian Brewing Industry: A Look into the Future

XII International Forum: Russian Brewing Industry: A Look into the Future

On March 03, 2023, the XII International Forum was held: "The Brewing Industry of Russia: A Look into the Future".

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia is a partner in organizing this large-scale event.

A welcoming speech addressed to the delegates was made by Patrushev Dmitry Nikolaevich, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. In particular, he stressed that the proceeds from the beer industry to the federal budget are constantly growing, the industry is developing.

Alyoshin Igor Olegovich, head of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market, in his greeting noted that the "transparency" of the beer industry inspires respect and confidence that dishonest players will leave the market.

Aleksey Petrovich Mayorov, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, made a presentation and expressed confidence that the work of the Government of the Russian Federation on import substitution of malt, hops, high-quality barley and other components for the production of high-quality beer will give good results.

Mosalev Dmitry Nikolaevich, First Deputy Head of the Department of Commodity Nomenclature of the Federal Customs Service, spoke about the new approach of the service to the export of goods. Among other things, he said that 80% of products for export are produced without the participation of officials. The task of the customs service is to be invisible to bona fide exporters, to help them quickly go through customs procedures.

Producers of beer products expressed their problems and wishes to provide systematic support from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation to factories for the production of high-quality Russian beer and non-alcoholic products. It was noted that the volumes of production and consumption are growing, however, there are serious problems with raw materials. In fact, imported malt, hops and other components are used in the production. Domestic barley is of poor quality. The producers of beer products also spoke on the problems of supervision, retraining of specialists.

Mordovin Alexander Nikolayevich, President of the National Union of Producers of Barley, Malt, Hops and Non-Alcoholic Beer, spoke about the history of the global beer market, its production in Russia, the reasons for the lack of raw materials for the industry and expressed his desire to constantly work with the highest government authorities to correct the existing problems . Alexander Nikolayevich expressed his confidence that the joint work of the state and business will give good results. Domestic drinks in terms of their quality characteristics are not inferior to foreign companies, and sometimes even surpass them in their performance. This is confirmed by the "Russian competition of brewing products" ROSGLAVPIVO® - the Main Beer of Russia ".

Kuchumov Aleksey Valeryevich, Rector of the Russian Biotechnical University (ROSBIOTECH) spoke about the organization of additional education for specialists in the beer industry: brewers, winemakers and other specialties. University graduates offer business solutions to production, and these proposals are in demand among businesses.

Agibalov Alexander Vladimirovich, rector of VORONEZH STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER EMPEROR PETER I, said that special attention is paid to working with business in training personnel. At the same time, he noted that, unfortunately, breeding work is being carried out poorly and, as a result, there is a dependence on seed imports. The Government of the Russian Federation needs to pay special attention to selection work in agriculture. It is necessary to transfer scientific and educational processes to production at the rate of 40% in the classroom and 60% in production.

Other speakers raised similar concerns.

Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, President of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, spoke with the topic of the report "On the state of glass-making plants of manufacturers of glass containers for the beer industry of the Russian Federation."

In his speech, Viktor Ivanovich said that despite the objective difficulties, glass container plants produce products for the food, medical, chemical and other sectors of the national economy in the amount necessary for the glass market. Consumers have no questions about quantity and quality.

Osipov V.I. reminded the forum participants that the glass industry has entered the top five exporters and occupies a worthy place according to the European Union (EU) after the metallurgical and chemical industries. Currently, exports have declined sharply, but consumption is developing in the beer, wine, non-alcoholic, dairy, fruit and vegetable and other industries.

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia controls the growth of beer production and will undoubtedly supply the market with the right amount of environmentally friendly glass packaging that is 100% harmless to health. Viktor Ivanovich assured the management of breweries that the glass factories will fully provide this segment with glass containers.

Osipov V.I. answered the questions of representatives of breweries on the fact of the increase in the cost of glass containers. The reasons are clear - this is the rise in prices in the energy, raw materials and other markets, suppliers of machinery, equipment and other components. However, glass factories are constantly working to reduce the cost of finished products and produce competitive glass products. As an example, he cited a reduction in the weight of glass mass per unit of production, a reduction in the consumption of energy resources.

At the end of the report, Viktor Ivanovich emphasized that the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia will, as before, work on an ongoing basis in close cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Rosalkogolregulirovanie, the branch beer Union and other interested parties.

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