The Vladimir region will create and develop industrial clusters

The Vladimir region will create and develop industrial clusters

In 2024, the authorities of the Vladimir region will focus on the creation and development of industrial clusters. The first interregional cluster on climate systems and mechanical engineering has already been created, and a cluster on the glass industry is on the way. This will give the Vladimir region significant advantages, in particular, additional federal funding, subsidies, and the possibility of concluding a special investment contract for import-substituting products.

A cluster is a group of companies that complement each other. Plus this is a personnel training system. Two projects have already been launched - a chemical one at the Gusev Glass College and a mechanical engineering one at the Energy and Mechanical College in Kovrov. Such centers make it possible to train personnel for specific jobs; the partners are enterprises that need future graduates.

“We see our task as ensuring that career guidance work is carried out with children from school, starting from the fifth grade. Children need to be immersed in the specifics of the region, thereby popularizing the region and its potential. Already as schoolchildren, they can plan their future, realizing that here they will receive a good education and then a decent job. This is important for retaining personnel in the long term,” noted Alexander Remiga.

Overcoming the shortage of personnel, and in the Vladimir region it is quite large, also requires the involvement of business, which is ready to act not only as a potential employer, but is already ready to invest in the infrastructure of colleges.

- Agreements have already been concluded between VlSU, the Kovrov Academy, the mechanical engineering cluster, the glass cluster, and the climate systems cluster. And we are also preparing the base for two clusters that will begin to develop in the chemical industry and furniture production. These are our tasks for 2024,” summarized Alexander Remiga.

By the way, the work will be carried out not only at the expense of the federal, but also at the expense of the regional budget. Companies that will develop in the cluster will receive additional support measures. This could be a technical connection to electricity, subsidizing the interest rate on leasing agreements or on the down payment for the purchase of equipment and a number of other measures that have already been worked out.


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