The Volgograd Interactive Museum will collect panels from glass bottles

The Volgograd Interactive Museum will collect panels from glass bottles

On March 28, the Volgograd Interactive Museum "Russia - My History" will host the environmental campaign "Glass", designed to draw attention to the problem of civilized waste management. Volgograd residents can hand in glass bottles for recycling; colorful mosaics were collected from them.

According to the committee of culture, a box for collecting glass containers, in which everyone can bring bottles, will be in the museum until March 10. The collected recyclables will be melted at one of the large industrial enterprises of the city, and it will become the material for creating a bright mosaic panel "Glass". The protesters will collect it in the lobby of the multimedia complex on March 28. The panel will decorate one of the walls of the museum and will remind guests of the need for caring for the planet.

“This year we continue the Art Against Garbage campaign, which aims to draw attention to the problems of the lack of separate collection in the Volgograd region, the careful consumption and information literacy of citizens. This time we want to work with glass waste, turning it into a colorful panel, ”said eco-activist and entrepreneur Oksana Babizhaeva, who has already managed to“ light up ”in Volgograd, as one of the main ideological inspirers of environmental actions.

In 2020, together with partners, she is preparing an interactive platform for the smallest Volgograd residents of Steklyashka. From broken and processed bottle glass, the guys will make a three-meter panel that will decorate the children's area of the museum "Russia - my story." They have already begun collecting glass bottles for the action; it is planned to use about a cube of glass for the production of mosaics.

They will only split the bottles by hand, and then the glass will be processed at the aluminum smelter, the technical partner of the action. The organizers said that now there is a real "hunt" for rare colored bottles - red, yellow, blue.

The panels themselves will be collected by children at a special site in the museum. All interested children over the age of 4 years can participate. Is free. Employees of the museum "Russia - my story" have already prepared a place on the wall in the building where they will place the finished panel. This will be a reminder of the action, like-minded people and a kind of symbol of the conservation of the planet's resources turned into art.

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