In the Moscow region, they explained what to do with broken glass

In the Moscow region, they explained what to do with broken glass

Glass can be recycled 100% without losing its properties. This is reported by the Ministry for Territorial Maintenance and State Housing Supervision.

The department said that bottles, jars and vials can be taken to blue containers or to glass container collection points. But what cannot be handed over for recycling with glass is ceramic dishes, as well as glass goblets, mugs and plates, glasses, car glass, light bulbs, pan lids, mirrors and crystal. Broken glass, but only in small quantities, is handed over to Megabak containers. Before handing over glass, it must be rinsed, it is not necessary to remove the label.

Recyclable materials are delivered to glass processing plants, where they make not only jars and bottles from it, but also fiberglass, glass wool, liquid glass and other useful things.


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