Ecotechnopark under construction in Norilsk

Ecotechnopark under construction in Norilsk

An ecotechnopark is being built in Norilsk - a site where production buildings, warehouses, offices and areas for sorting, primary processing and production of finished products from waste raw materials will be concentrated.

A landfill for industrial waste and a tire recycling shop have already been built. They also plan to recycle plastic, paper and cardboard, glass and polyethylene products. In 2024, a waste sorting complex for processing MSW will be ready and the construction of production facilities for processing industrial waste will begin. It is expected that the residents of the park will rent its facilities and areas.

The creation of the ecotechnopark is supervised by the Norilsk Development Agency (ARN). It is also developing a concept for sustainable waste management in Norilsk and Dudinka, which should be presented to the public in autumn 2022.

The goal is to bring the economy of Norilsk, as a major industrial center, to a cycle and reduce the burden on the environment. In particular, the creation of such a site will make it possible to unload overcrowded landfills and solve the problem of unauthorized dumps.

The issue of funding remains open. It is planned to attract budgetary and non-budgetary sources for the implementation of the project. Here is how Vitaly Drozdov, Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Ecology, comments on this:

“The economic model of the ecotechnopark is important – at whose expense it will be built and operated in the future. If the costs are included in the tariff, then for the population it will increase significantly. The same is true with financing from the regional budget - what then is the point of building such a complex? This requires mechanisms for public-private partnerships.”


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