In Holland, archaeologists have found a whole bowl of blue glass 1800 years old

In Holland, archaeologists have found a whole bowl of blue glass 1800 years old

During excavations in the city of Nijmegen in the Netherlands, archaeologists found a bowl of blue glass from the era of Ancient Rome. The artifact is at least 1800 years old. The find is in perfect condition, there are no chips or cracks on the glass. The History Blog portal tells in detail about the find.

Such bowls were made by cooling molten glass on a mould. The stripe pattern was applied while the glass melt was still liquid. The blue color of glass comes from the metal oxide it contains. Once this cup was a luxury item in the homes of the first inhabitants of Nijmegen.

Leading archaeologist Pepain Van de Geer believes it is a masterpiece that deserves to be displayed in a museum.

Nijmegen was founded as a Roman military camp in the 1st century BC. BC. and next to it, a civilian settlement of the local peoples of the Batavians was formed. In 98 AD the settlement of Nijmegen was the first city in what is now the Netherlands to receive the status of a municipality (the rights of a Roman city), which made its inhabitants citizens of the Roman Empire.

Imported bowl. It was made in a fine glassware workshop in a Roman city. The Roman city of Vetera (modern Xanten), located nearby in what is now Germany, was famous for its glass production. It was also located on the territory of the Batavians, so there must have been well-established trade relations between the settlements.

However, it is possible that the bowl was also made in what is now Italy. The highest quality of the product speaks in favor of this theory. And a Batavian legionnaire brought her to the territory of Holland when he returned home, having served in the Roman army.

During excavations in the city, Dutch archaeologists also found graves from the Roman era and several grave goods, including vessels, goblets and jewelry. There are few remains of Roman dwellings at this site. Basically, these are fragments of wooden houses, but archaeologists plan to restore the layout of the ancient city using the latest research methods.


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