The Ecocenter «Ekorex» began accepting glass containers for recycling at «Sibsteklo»

The Ecocenter «Ekorex» began accepting glass containers for recycling at «Sibsteklo»

Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about the member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, "Siberian Glass" LLC (Sibsteklo):

The cooperation between the companies "Chistaya Strana" and "Ekorex", which opened an eco-center for receiving secondary resources from residents of Novosibirsk, involves the recycling of glass waste at the "Sibirskoye Steklo" plant.

LLC "Chistaya Strana" (formerly "Glass Recycling") collects broken glass in the interests of LLC "Sibirskoye Steklo" ("Sibsteklo", an asset of RATM Holding), a leading manufacturer of glass containers and the largest recycler of glass waste in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts.

As a reminder, one ton of glass waste replaces 1.2 tons of natural components; since glass can be recycled countless times, the rate of depletion of mineral reserves and the placement of solid municipal waste in landfills slows down. Every 10% of broken glass in the raw mix helps reduce energy consumption by 3%, and as a result, reduce the industrial burden on the environment.

According to Artem Zemlyannikov, the director of Ecorex, the eco-center (69/2 Dzerzhinsky Avenue), located in a densely populated area, can accumulate up to five tons of glass waste per month. Bottles and cans that have served their time are sorted by color, removing corks and lids.

- Caring for the environment is becoming part of the culture of behavior of Novosibirsk residents, their worldview is gradually changing - different groups of citizens come to the eco-center, including young people, parents with children, representatives of the older generation, and there are noticeably more visitors on weekends, - Artem Zemlyannikov shares his observations. - Basically, they hand over waste for recycling not because of a reward, but because they feel responsible for the state of the environment.

According to Alexander Martynov, the director of Clean Country, it is easier for people to change their everyday habits if they are sure that the so-called "garbage" fractions will find a use, for example, a new bottle will be made from a used bottle.

– Every day we receive from 100 to 150 tons of glass waste, most often from landfills, – says Alexander Martynov. – The collection geography is the regions of the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East. We clean glass waste from foreign inclusions (from 4 to 8% of the total mass) – organic matter, plastic and metal elements. Glass from collection points, as a rule, does not require preliminary preparation, it is immediately sent for crushing.

Today, at Sibsteklo, the share of secondary raw materials in the production of colorless containers reaches 30-35%, brown – 55-60%, the task for the near future is to increase this figure to 80%. First of all, the plant is ready to recycle container glass waste, for the production of which triplex, glass lids from saucepans, perfume and medicine bottles are not suitable.

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