A glass factory for the production of glass containers was opened in Chegem

A glass factory for the production of glass containers was opened in Chegem

In the city of Chegem, the solemn opening of the plant for the production of glass containers of Chegem Glass Plant LLC took place.

The event was attended by Chairman of the Government of the KBR Aliy Musukov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the KBR Sergey Govorov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Zaur Gekkiev, representatives of relevant ministries and departments of the republic, as well as representatives of Promsvyazbank PJSC.

In a festive atmosphere, Aliy Musukov, the Minister of Industry, Energy and Trade of the KBR Shamil Ahubekov and the General Director of the Chegem Glass Factory Dmitry Pernik cut the red ribbon and launched a large and fruitful work for the enterprise. During the visit to the plant, the guests examined the new production, talked with the management of the enterprise.

“I am glad to attend such an event, which is significant and important not only for the Chegemsky region, but also for the entire Kabardino-Balkaria and the Russian glass industry. Due to numerous problems, the company stopped its production a year ago. And in a short time, we managed to do a great job - to find investors, and with the help of the partner bank Promsvyazbank, the furnace was overhauled, the production line was modernized and the enterprise was launched.

On behalf of the leadership of Kabardino-Balkaria, I want to express my gratitude to our partner Promsvyazbank for the great work they did in the shortest possible time. In your plans to expand production - to build another furnace, which means doubling the output, doubling the number of jobs. I wish you not to stop there, to expand further, to master new types of products.

In today's situation, when unfriendly countries cut us off from all imports, it is important and necessary to create new industries, to increase the production of our own products. I am sure that we will succeed in this direction, and today's event is a confirmation that we are on the right track,” Aliy Musukov said in his welcoming speech.

The new enterprise will produce import-substituting products for the production of glass containers. Due to a combination of factors, the plant changed hands for a long time, worked at 30% of its capacity, which led to numerous debts, non-payment of wages, and ultimately bankruptcy. In May 2021, the furnace, which is the heart of the plant, was shut down and the staff disbanded.

Realizing the significance and importance of preserving the plant for the regional economy, the leadership of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Trade of the KBR found an investor with experience in the glass business. Promsvyazbank acted as a partner bank, which reviewed the project and provided financing in a short time.

According to the director general of the plant, Dmitry Pernik, the results of all the work done are already visible today: a major overhaul and commissioning of the furnace has been carried out, lines have been modernized, and a new asphalt road leads to the plant. The plant is operating at full capacity, which is more than 170 million pieces of finished products in terms of annual volume.

“The work does not stop there. Currently, measures are being taken to design and attract bank financing for the construction of a second furnace at the plant, which will mean a doubling of annual output, and, consequently, a doubling of jobs. And if at the moment the plant employs more than 270 people, next year it is expected to increase jobs to 540 people. So we hope to open the second stage as soon as possible,” Dmitry Pernik said.

“Supporting the project, we are guided not only by its economic feasibility, but also by the high social significance of the enterprise. The well-being of residents not only of the city of Chegem, but of the entire Chegem region largely depends on its stable development. Moreover, as one of the largest industrial enterprises in the region, the Chegem Glass Plant contributes to the reduction of unemployment and the development of the economy of the entire Kabardino-Balkaria, - said Alexey Anaisov, Vice President of PJSC Promsvyazbank.

The Chegem Glass Factory is an enterprise in the city of Chegem, which is a major supplier of glass containers in the North Caucasus Federal District and other regions of Russia. The capacity of the furnace is 220 tons of glass per day, and the annual output is more than 170 million pieces of finished products of various assortments. Now the plant employs more than 270 people. The planned exported production is 30%. In the future, it is planned to build a second colored glass furnace. The capacity of the furnace will be 250 tons of glass per day. The annual output will increase and amount to more than 210 million pieces of finished products.

Source: kbrria.ru

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