Sazonovsky glass plant was re-launched in the Chagoda district

Sazonovsky glass plant was re-launched in the Chagoda district

In the village of Sazonovo, Chagodoshchensky district, after eight years of forced downtime, a glass factory “Branch of LLC“ Rusjam Glasslotara Holding ”was launched. Today, after modernization, the first line for the production of glass containers was put into operation here. Regional Governor Oleg Kuvshinnikov took part in the ceremonial launch of production.

“Today I have a real human joy in my soul, because in Sazonovo a plant with a 160-year history has started working again. This is an important event not only for the region, but for the entire region. In 2019, we signed an agreement with Rusjam on the reactivation of the facility and the further launch of a glass plant. The volume of investments amounted to about 800 million rubles. We have purchased modern Italian equipment for the production of a lightweight glass bottle, which, I am sure, will be in demand in the domestic and foreign markets. I would like to thank the management of Rusjam for their cooperation. Thanks to your efforts, in spite of the difficulties of the past year, the plant started working again, ”noted Oleg Kuvshinnikov.

The glass factory is expected to produce 240 million bottles a year with a volume of 0.25 to 0.5 liters. As of today, contracts have already been signed with a number of major companies for the purchase of glass containers.

“We are one of the leaders in the Russian market for the production of glass containers. We have five factories throughout the country. And it is an honor for us that the oldest enterprise for the production of glass products is in our holding. It was a great pain for us that the enterprise had been idle for eight years. And it is a great joy that we have reopened it today. From year to year we continue to increase production volumes. For now, we will supply the produced glass containers in the village of Sazonovo to the Russian market. But this year we plan that the bottles will go to the markets of France, Germany and Scandinavia, ”said Vladimir Dolgov, General Director of Rusjam Management Company LLC.

Now the company already employs 150 people. Most of the team are those who previously worked at the Sazonovsky Glass Factory. It plans to employ 35 more people in the near future.

We add that in 2019 the plant modernization project is included in the list of priority investment projects in the region. The company will receive state support in the form of tax incentives for 6.5 years. This will enable production to reach the planned capacity as efficiently as possible.

The head of the region also visited one of the oldest enterprises "Chagoda Glass Factory and Co." The company produces more than 550 million bottles a year and employs 630 people. The plant occupies a leading position in the production of glass containers in Russia and the North-West region.

In November last year, a major overhaul of one of the two involved in the production of glass furnaces, glass-forming machines, and packaging equipment began. About 700 million rubles were invested in the modernization. And today the oven was put back into operation.

“With the modernization of the line, we plan to increase production efficiency and produce higher quality products, while reducing the cost. Each bottle produced by us is branded for a specific manufacturer, we work on order with domestic and foreign enterprises, ”said David Dzhalagonia, General Director of Chagoda Glass Factory and Co LLC.

Today the glass industry is the leading one in the Chagodoshchensky region. At a meeting with the labor collective of the plant, the Governor noted that a number of initiatives contributed to the development of glass production. In 2017, the Government of the country and the State Duma supported Oleg Kuvshinnikov's initiative to limit the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in polymer consumer containers. It is prohibited in the country to produce alcoholic beverages in PET containers with a volume of more than 1.5 liters. Also in 2016, an agreement was signed with the largest brewing company Baltika for the purchase of glass containers in the Vologda Region.

According to experts, at present, the existing eco-collection mechanisms remain a limiting factor for the development of the glass industry. The current rates for packaging are disproportionate between different types of packaging and, in fact, discriminate against glass containers. And from January 1, 2022, when a 100% recycling rate is established in accordance with the adopted environmental concept, the difference in tariffs will become even more pronounced and not in favor of glass containers.

Today the Governor of the region announced his intention to come up with an initiative to the Government of the Russian Federation to equalize the eco-collection rates for various types of packaging.

“Considering the cost of packaging on the market, the price of a glass bottle will increase by 12-15%, and the same volume for a PET bottle or aluminum can will only increase by 1-2%. It is obvious that such a significant difference will lead to a decline in demand for glass products, despite all their environmental friendliness. Eco-collection rates should be reviewed during this year. Leveling the rate will allow glass to participate in healthy competition in the packaging market. On the part of the Government of the region, we will come up with an initiative to the federal level, we will continue to protect our Vologda manufacturer, ”summed up the Governor of the region Oleg Kuvshinnikov.

Source: Government of the Vologda Oblast

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