In 2023 Belarus wants to start mass production of lightweight glass containers

In 2023 Belarus wants to start mass production of lightweight glass containers

The problem of plastic pollution is perhaps the most discussed at the global level. The mechanisms for a phased reduction in the use of polymer packaging in Belarus were discussed at the National Press Center, a correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency reports.

“Plastic pollution of the environment is one of the most discussed and urgent environmental problems in the world, which is becoming increasingly threatening in terms of scale and the consequences of which are difficult to calculate,” notes the head of the main department for regulating waste management, biological and landscape diversity of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Protection environment Olga Sazonova.

Belarus does not remain aloof from global trends. Since 2020, the country has been implementing an action plan aimed at gradually reducing the use of polymer packaging with its replacement. The measures concern, in particular, the improvement of the waste management system, the expansion of scientific research, the development of the production of safe packaging, technical regulation and awareness-raising work. The Ministry of Natural Resources, under which an interdepartmental council functions, is responsible for coordinating this activity.

Among the results of the multifaceted work is the implementation of the program for the development of state standards to establish requirements for environmentally friendly, including biodegradable, packaging and testing methods, which was completed last year. 41 state standards were approved. They are based on international practice. There are plans to develop seven interstate standards. Their use on a voluntary basis will ensure compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of packaging".

As the specialist added, a lot of work is being done at the EAEU sites, where Belarus generates a lot of proposals. We are talking, in particular, about the import of plastic waste on the basis of permits - a single procedure for the EAEU states will be introduced. At the same time, amendments to the technical regulation “On the safety of packaging” were initiated - there is a proposal to ban the use of PVC labels on PET products, which will increase the volume of processing of such containers.

In addition, NAS scientists are actively working on technologies for creating biodegradable packaging from domestic plant raw materials, which should benefit not only the environment, but also the economy: they have come close to organizing a pilot site for the production of lactic acid, a raw material for the production of biodegradable polylactide. By the way, Belarusian scientists have already developed compositions for impregnating paper, which is planned to be used for the production of eco-packaging. Another step is the organization of a specialized laboratory.

Much attention is paid to working with producers and the public. Economic incentive mechanisms are being introduced - today, for example, bottling drinking and mineral water in a glass bottle is financially beneficial. Retail does not lag behind: retail chains Evrotorg and Belcoopsoyuz signed cooperation agreements with the Ministry of Natural Resources: they are taking measures to expand the range and conduct information work with the consumer.

— There was and is an alternative to plastic, — says O. Sazonova. - This is, in particular, paper and glass. The task is to increase the production of corrugated cardboard. And as for glass - lightweight thin-walled containers: the technology has been worked out, test samples have already been released. Mass production of such glass containers is scheduled for the first quarter of 2023.

In the production of alternative materials and types of packaging, new capacities are being created, including with the attraction of investments. O. Sazonova emphasizes:

- When a ban was introduced on the use of certain types of plastic products in the catering sector, many expressed doubts about the appropriateness and effectiveness of such a step, but this became an impetus for the development of new industries: disposable paper plates, wooden forks and even metal tubes appeared. The process goes on, despite the fact that it is complicated, and the eco-packaging itself is a little more expensive.

The specialist emphasizes that caring for the environment is a common thing:

“If each of us makes a small contribution to this important cause, we will have a significant result.


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