Unique Lorraine glass brought to the Hermitage

Unique Lorraine glass brought to the Hermitage

An unusually beautiful exhibition will open in the Hermitage headquarters. It is called "The Source of Beauty. Art Glass from Lorraine in the Art Nouveau Era." It will feature amazing exhibits made of multilayer glass.

These items date back to the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The exhibition will feature 111 exhibits. They are from the State Hermitage Museum's own collection and the collection of Yuri Borisov.

The themes are very diverse. These include vases, lamps, bottles, and paperweights. As noted in the State Hermitage, the works of Lorraine masters contributed to the flourishing of glassmaking as one of the main trends in decorative and applied art in the Art Nouveau era. Visitors will be able to admire items made by 12 companies that worked in this direction. The presented works of art are almost unknown in Russia.

Art Nouveau or modern is a style from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the First World War. It is characterized by ornate lines, plant forms and floral ornaments. There are practically no angles, straight lines or circular arcs. Art Nouveau glass appeared largely due to technical innovations that allowed it to have high-quality colors, shine and unusual shapes.

The exhibition in the Hermitage General Staff Building will be open from November 1, 2024 to April 13, 2025.

Source: rodina-history.ru

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