Scientists have discovered biodegradable peptide glass for medical implants

Scientists have discovered biodegradable peptide glass for medical implants

Researchers from China have taken a step forward in the field of materials science by developing a new approach to producing biodegradable glass based on cyclic peptide molecules. This innovative material has unique properties that allow it to withstand the effects of various enzymes and other aggressive environments. As reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the created glass is ideal for use in implantable medical devices and capsules for long-acting drugs.

According to representatives of the academy, this protein glass demonstrates a number of advantages over traditional glasses made from linear proteins. Not only does it resist crystallization significantly better, but it also has more interesting mechanical properties. In addition, it more effectively counteracts the action of enzymes, which opens up new horizons for use in the development of new types of packaging for medical drugs and smart materials.

The protein glass was developed by a team of Chinese chemists led by Professor Yan Xuehai of the Institute of Process Engineering of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The material has an amorphous structure similar to ordinary mineral glass, but instead of silicon, oxygen, sodium and calcium, it is based on cyclic peptides - ring-shaped short protein molecules.

One of the key advantages of the closed structure of cyclic peptides is their high resistance to enzymes. This property makes them especially suitable for creating new materials that can safely pass through the digestive tract or withstand long-term contact with human or animal tissue.

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