The glass cluster in the Vladimir region is becoming a driver of the economic and social development of the territory

The glass cluster in the Vladimir region is becoming a driver of the economic and social development of the territory

The head of the Vladimir region, Alexander Avdeev, made a working trip to the Gus-Khrustalny district, where in the village of Krasny Oktyabr he visited the production site of Glass Decor Glass Factory LLC, the largest manufacturer of glass bottles made of colorless glass of complex geometry in Russia.

On the trip, the head of the region was accompanied by the Minister of Economic Development and Industry Sergei Sidorin, the head of the Gus-Khrustalny District Administration Alexei Kabenkin and the Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Gus-Khrustalny Nikolai Balakhin.

At the enterprise, Alexander Avdeev inspected the areas of glass container production, visual inspection and automatic control, as well as packaging. He discussed topical issues of developing production capacities and repairing access roads with the management of the plant. Albert Sokolov, General Director of Glass Decor LLC, said that for 20 years the company has been successfully performing a full range of services: from design development to production and decoration of glass containers, it has the highest decoration plant productivity in Europe: up to 10 million bottles per month by about 160 million rubles. The geography of supplies is the widest: these are almost all domestic enterprises in the food and alcohol industry, as well as exports to Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia. Local sand is used as raw material. But the equipment at the plant was originally imported.

“With the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, it was necessary to localize part of the consumable spare parts, but in general there was no particular trouble, we managed to get the job done with the help of import substitution. But our main problem remains - it is to attract new personnel, including highly specialized ones. Since the plant is located far from big cities, there is a shortage of them. We are counting on the launch of an educational cluster based on the Experimental Glass Factory in Gus-Khrustalny, we would like to participate there as well,” said Albert Sokolov.

By 2028, President Vladimir Putin set the goal of training 1 million specialists in key sectors of the economy. As the Russian industry grows, it faces a shortage of personnel - 42 percent of the country's enterprises report a shortage of personnel. This is a weighty reason for the accelerated implementation of the "Professionality" program, which should ensure the influx of young qualified personnel from colleges into production.

In the Vladimir region, this task will also be completed. On behalf of the Governor, the Government of the region has set a course for the creation of a glass and chemical-technological cluster in the near future. It will be formed in the Gus-Khrustalny district on the basis of local enterprises, as well as with the participation of the educational sector. Much attention is paid to the development of the Gusev Glass College, which trains the personnel necessary for the industry.

“We are strengthening this area of work, as we participate in the federal program “Professionality”, we expect federal support in the amount of about 100 million rubles for the entire region. The new cluster will further increase our competencies in this area, help our enterprises develop, modernize, and enter new markets. This, of course, opens up new prospects and growth points for the entire municipality,” Alexander Avdeev emphasized.

“The city of Gus-Khrustalny is actively interacting with the district, a glass cluster is being formed. It needs our local specialists who would have the necessary competencies within the framework of the technical base that is being created in the region. Young people see prospects in this and actively go to production,” said Nikolai Balakhin.

“There are 7 large glass enterprises operating in the district, and all of them are socially oriented, they actively participate in the socio-economic development of not only the settlements where they are located, but also the entire Gus-Khrustalny district and the Vladimir region. Various forms of interaction are used, including municipal-private and public-private partnerships. Enterprises are ready to invest in social and engineering infrastructure in order to improve the quality of people's lives,” said Alexey Kabenkin.

According to the head of the region, the Glass Decor enterprise is a good example of such interaction between business and the state. The modern plant not only provides jobs for local residents, but also actively participates in the development of the social sphere of the region and the rural settlement. So last year, with the support of the enterprise, a children's playground appeared in the village of Krasny Oktyabr, now a new universal sports ground is being opened next to it.

“This sports facility was built as part of the implementation of the state program “Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Vladimir Region”. At least 150 children and adults will be involved in sports here, there is an opportunity to play football, volleyball, and in winter - hockey. In the evening, the playground is well lit, so young people and adults will be comfortable leading a sports lifestyle. The region does not slow down the pace of creating sports infrastructure, which is constantly improving - this year another 20 such facilities will appear in the region,” Alexander Avdeev said.


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