Dear colleagues!
On the eve of the 25th annual international Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI", which was held on November 21-22, 2024 in Gus-Khrustalny (State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Gus Glass College" named after G.F. Chekhlov), an article about the activities of the Association “StekloSouz” of Russia to solve modern problems of the glass industry was published in the industry magazine Glass Russia.
We publish this article for your information:
- An article about the activities of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia on 3 pages (open).
Background information about the 25th annual international Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI":
⦿ Association "StekloSouz" of Russia
⦿ Government of Vladimir Region
⦿ State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Vladimir Region "Gusev Glass College" named after G.F. Chekhlov
⦿ LLC Scientific and Production Center "Glass-Gas"
Date: November 21-22, 2024
Venue: "Gus Glass College" named after G.F. Chekhlov, Vladimir region, Gus-Khrustalny, Pisareva St., 17
Purpose of the Forum "Glass and Modern Technologies - XXI": Analysis of the current state and growth prospects of the glass industry until 2030. Development of consumption and production. Personnel training issues.
Forum theme: "Features of the glass industry in modern conditions. Problems of training specialists using secondary vocational education (SVE) and additional vocational education (AVE) for the glass industry of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. Prospects for improving the retraining of personnel."
- Managers and specialists of glass industry enterprises, universities, secondary educational institutions, research institutes and design organizations, heat installation companies, independent experts
- Manufacturers of glass containers, sheet glass and industrial processing, quartz, technical, optical and other types of glass, foam glass, refractories, fiberglass
- Suppliers of machinery, equipment, various types of raw materials, cullet, components, glass molds and other related industries
Forum materials:
✔ Press release(open).
✔ BUSINESS PROGRAM of the Forum (open).
✔ Photo report (open).
Press center of "StekloSouz"