Started accepting applications for the purchase of the property complex «Company «STES-Vladimir»

Started accepting applications for the purchase of the property complex «Company «STES-Vladimir»

Acceptance of applications for the purchase of the property complex of JSC “Company “STES-Vladimir” has begun. The initial cost of the property, which is being sold as a single lot, is 1.488 billion rubles. This is stated in the message of VEB.RF, which is the largest creditor of the production complex.

The enterprise is equipped with modern equipment, which employs more than 200 people. STES-Vladimir produces a wide range of thermal insulation products from NEOPORM foam glass. The products of the Vladimir enterprise are used for thermal protection of objects, insulation of pipelines and valves, as well as equipment at enterprises of the chemical, food and oil and gas industries, as well as at energy facilities. Along with the production workshops and real estate of the production complex, the winner of the open auction will receive patents for the production of foam glass products and trademarks.

Applications for participation in the auction are accepted until June 10, 2022. The property complex of the bankrupt enterprise is being sold at auction within the framework of bankruptcy proceedings.

JSC “Company “STES-Vladimir” specializes in the production of thermal insulation products from foam glass.

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