Establishment of the production of electrochromic glass

Establishment of the production of electrochromic glass

The start-up FIOP of the RUSNANO Group will take part in the creation of an industrial production of electrochromic glass; project cost - 300 million rubles.

The agreement on the organization of a pilot site in Moscow was signed by the Ulyanovsk nanocenter ULNANOTECH, which is part of the FIOP investment network of the RUSNANO Group, its subsidiary company, the developer of the engineering solution Comberry, and the large Russian manufacturer of translucent structures FOTOTECH.

The project implementation period is 3 years. The total investment is about 300 million rubles. Today in the world such products are produced by less than 10 companies.

TUNOX electrochromic glass is capable of changing optical properties (transparency, color) under the influence of electricity.

“Comberry has developed sustainable electrochromic glass technology for architectural applications and is working on automotive. The technology is laboratory-based, but nevertheless it meets all the requirements set by the world's largest glass enterprises, - said Andrey Redkin, General Director of Comberry LLC. "The creation of a pilot production is the next logical step for us to increase the maturity of development and release the product to the market."

The new technology reduces the cost of production on an industrial scale, expands the color range, giving shades of blue, gray, black and others, and gives the glass convenient operational and consumer characteristics.

Competence and experience of "PHOTOTECH" are able to ensure the quality of products that meet the standards of the world's largest glass manufacturers.

“The business model of the project will allow us to rapidly develop in the international market in a niche where we will be very competitive,” noted Ivan Filonenko, Development Director of FOTOTECH LLC. "Export is one of the important strategic priorities of our group of companies today."

Company "FOTOTECH" (Moscow)

A large-scale domestic enterprise, which has been specializing in the design, manufacture and installation of fireproof translucent structures with unique protective, decorative and special properties for more than 30 years, is able to ensure the release of a product at competitive prices and quality at the level of the world's leading manufacturers.

Comberry company (Ulyanovsk)

A technological platform created in 2013 with the participation of the nanocenters of the FIOP investment network of the RUSNANO Group from Ulyanovsk, the Republic of Mordovia and Dubna. He is the carrier of a portfolio of unique scientific developments in the field of spraying and research of multifunctional thin-film coatings.

Ulyanovsk nanocenter ULNANOTECH

It is part of the investment network of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of the RUSNANO Group. It has the status of a high-tech technopark. He is engaged in investing and supporting early stage technological entrepreneurship, searching for technologies, creating and selling startups in such areas as biotechnology and molecular genetics, new construction technologies and composite materials, thin-film coatings and embedded electronics, alternative and hydrogen energy.

Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (FIEP)

One of the largest institutions for innovative development in Russia.

The purpose of the Fund is the financial and non-financial development of nanotechnological and other high-tech sectors of the economy through the implementation of national projects, the formation and development of an innovative infrastructure, the transformation of additional education through the creation of new curricula and educational technologies, the provision of institutional and information support, contributing to the introduction of technological solutions to the market and finished products, including end-to-end digital technologies.

The Chairman of the Management Board of the Fund is Sergey Kulikov, Chairman of the Management Board of RUSNANO Management Company LLC.

Source: Press service of FIOP RUSNANO

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