Joint meeting at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Joint meeting at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

On November 26, 2019, a joint meeting of the CCI Committee on technical regulation, standardization and product quality and the RSPP Committee on technical regulation, standardization and conformity assessment was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation with the involvement of federal industry associations.

The meeting discussed draft fundamental national standards GOST R1.1 “Standardization in the Russian Federation. Technical committees for standardization. Rules for the establishment and activities ”and GOST R1.2“ Standardization in the Russian Federation. National standards of the Russian Federation. Rules for the development, approval, updating, amendment, suspension and cancellation. ” These standards are crucial for the organization of work on standardization and technical regulation in organizations and enterprises of any form of ownership.

The need was also identified for the participation of industry Associations as industry representatives in the implementation of government plans within the framework of the “regulatory guillotine”, which affects the interests of all industrial enterprises.

The meeting was attended by over 90 experts representing specialized committees of the RF CCI and RSPP, technical committees for standardization, scientific, public and educational organizations, conformity assessment bodies and other structures.

The meeting was attended by Nikolay Talakuev, Head of the Department of Technical Regulation and Quality Control of the StekloSouz Association of Russia. He made a number of proposals necessary for the harmonious development of the industry.

The meeting participants noted the timeliness of the expert discussion of the draft fundamental standards and supported the comments and suggestions presented in the reports and conclusions of the committees of the RF CCI and RSPP, Associations and TC.

Based on the results of the discussion, a resolution of the meeting will be formed within two weeks with the application of the finalized conclusions. The resolution will be sent to Rosstandart for consideration when finalizing the fundamental standards.

The meeting participants proposed TC 012 “Standardization Methodology” to quickly finalize draft standards taking into account the comments provided and consider their final revisions at an open meeting of TC 012 “Standardization Methodology” with the participation of representatives of the relevant CCI RF and RSPP Committees and federal industry associations.

Press Center StekloSouz.

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