Smolenskiye investory rassmatrivayut vozmozhnost' pokupki steklozavoda v Chagode Ostanovlennyy Smerdomskiy stekol'nyy zavod pod Chagodoy zainteresoval investora iz Smolenskoy oblasti. Napomnim, na minuvshey nedele stalo izvestno o tom, chto predpriyatiye prekratilo vypusk produktsii iz-za finansovogo krizisa. U steklozavoda nakopilis' dolgi pered postavshchikami, a posledniye dva mesyatsa predpriyatiye rabotalo pod riskom otklyucheniya gaza i elektroenergii. Nakanune stalo izvestno o poyavlenii vozmozhnykh investorov. Tak, vozmozhnost' priobreteniya zavoda obsuzhdayet Nikolay Savchin - rukovoditel' odnogo iz stekol'nykh predpriyatiy v Smolenskoy oblasti. Biznesmen uzhe pribyl v Chagodu i vstretilsya s glavoy okruga Aleksandrom Kosenkovym, a takzhe s inzhenerno-tekhnicheskom personalom zavoda. Po slovam glavy munitsipaliteta, glavnyy vopros svyazan s dal'neyshey ekspluatatsiyey steklovarennoy pechi. "Pervym punktom v planakh potentsial'nogo investora stoit zadacha provesti ekspertnoye obsledovaniye steklovarennoy pechi. Ono i ponyatno. V etom godu pechi ispolnyayetsya 15 let, a po vsem tekhnicheskim kanonam takoy vozrast oborudovaniya nonsens. Dlya obespecheniya ob"yektivnogo analiza osmotr pechi budet proizvodit'sya posle yeyo okonchatel'noy ostanovki i polnogo okhlazhdeniya", - otmetil Aleksandr Kosenkov. Teper' pech' planiruyut ostanovit' 19 maya. Vposledstvii budet vyrabotan plan po yeye rekonstruktsii. Istochnik: Ещё 1 397 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Перевод Smolensk investors are considering buying a glass factory in Chagoda

Smolenskiye investory rassmatrivayut vozmozhnost' pokupki steklozavoda v Chagode Ostanovlennyy Smerdomskiy stekol'nyy zavod pod Chagodoy zainteresoval investora iz Smolenskoy oblasti. Napomnim, na minuvshey nedele stalo izvestno o tom, chto predpriyatiye prekratilo vypusk produktsii iz-za finansovogo krizisa. U steklozavoda nakopilis' dolgi pered postavshchikami, a posledniye dva mesyatsa predpriyatiye rabotalo pod riskom otklyucheniya gaza i elektroenergii. Nakanune stalo izvestno o poyavlenii vozmozhnykh investorov. Tak, vozmozhnost' priobreteniya zavoda obsuzhdayet Nikolay Savchin - rukovoditel' odnogo iz stekol'nykh predpriyatiy v Smolenskoy oblasti. Biznesmen uzhe pribyl v Chagodu i vstretilsya s glavoy okruga Aleksandrom Kosenkovym, a takzhe s inzhenerno-tekhnicheskom personalom zavoda. Po slovam glavy munitsipaliteta, glavnyy vopros svyazan s dal'neyshey ekspluatatsiyey steklovarennoy pechi.

The stopped Smerdomsky glass factory near Chagoda interested an investor from the Smolensk region.

Recall, last week it became known that the company stopped production due to the financial crisis. The glass factory has accumulated debts to suppliers, and for the past two months the company has been operating under the risk of cutting off gas and electricity.

On the eve it became known about the appearance of possible investors. So, the possibility of acquiring the plant is discussed by Nikolai Savchin, the head of one of the glass enterprises in the Smolensk region. The businessman has already arrived in Chagoda and met with the head of the district, Alexander Kosenkov, as well as with the engineering and technical staff of the plant.

According to the head of the municipality, the main issue is related to the further operation of the glass furnace.

"The first point in the plans of a potential investor is the task of conducting an expert examination of the glass furnace. It is understandable. This year the furnace turns 15 years old, and according to all technical canons, such an age of equipment is nonsense. To ensure an objective analysis, the furnace will be inspected after its final shutdown and complete cooling,” said Alexander Kosenkov.

The furnace is now scheduled to be shut down on May 19th. Subsequently, a plan for its reconstruction will be developed.


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