Smerdom glass factory stopped production

Smerdom glass factory stopped production

The Smerdomsky glass factory in the Chagodoshchensky district has stopped production, the head of the district, Alexander Kosenkov, said on his social network page.

“Since the beginning of 2023, the current tenant of the plant, STEKLOCHEM-GROUP LLC, has had a difficult financial and economic situation. It is associated with a significant increase in the minimum retail price for sparkling wines, which, in turn, caused a significant decrease in demand for the produced bottle.

According to Ruslan Abazekhov, general director of the company, due to the lack of sales, the company has accumulated debts for gas and electricity, and the plant's accounts payable for other important items of activity have also increased. At a production meeting with employees of the enterprise, the management stated that they did not see any prospects for a revival in the product market, opportunities for re-profiling production to a different type of bottle and repaying loans, and therefore the management announced the rupture of lease relations with the owner of the plant and the termination of production.

Kosenkov also noted that now the bankruptcy trustee and the plant's employees are negotiating with two potential investors. The outcome of the negotiations will be clear in the coming days. Up to this point, it has been decided to keep the glass melting furnace operational.


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