The ex-director of a glass factory in the Vyshnevolotsk city district of the Tver region has passed away

The ex-director of a glass factory in the Vyshnevolotsk city district of the Tver region has passed away

Yuri Nikolaevich Kalitkin died at the age of 82. He was born on December 31, 1939. He devoted his entire working life to the glass factory on January 9, the threshold of which he first crossed on September 20, 1961, going from an electrician apprentice to a manager in production.

In 1985 he was appointed director of the enterprise and held this position and worked until his retirement in 2002.

Yuri Kalitkin has received many awards for labor achievements, including the most significant one - the Order of Honor.

Not only as a talented leader, but also as a wonderful husband and father, the founder of the dynasty, Yuri Nikolaevich will be remembered by his relatives, those who personally knew him. This is a great loss. We express our deep condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the deceased.

Based on materials from Vyshnevolotskaya Pravda.

On my own behalf and the entire Presidium of the StekloSoyuz Association, I express my sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.

With respect,

President of the "StekloSouz" Association

Victor Osipov

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