Sibsteklo will become a system partner of the Tomsk region in the field of waste management

Sibsteklo will become a system partner of the Tomsk region in the field of waste management

Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about a member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia LLC Siberian Glass (Sibsteklo):

In continuation of the agreements reached at the XXVI St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Governor of the Tomsk Region Vladimir Mazur and CEO of Siberian Glass LLC (the largest manufacturer of glass containers beyond the Urals, an asset of RATM Holding) Anton Mor during the business program of the international industrial exhibition "Innoprom - 2023" signed a cooperation agreement in Yekaterinburg.

Alexei Bezprozvannykh, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, took part in the agreement signing ceremony.

The parties confirmed their intention to cooperate within the framework of investment projects aimed at involving production and consumption waste in the economic circulation, creating facilities for their disposal. So, in 2024, it is planned to put into operation a waste sorting complex in Tomsk, from where recyclable materials will be supplied to the glass container plant.

“Recycling glass waste solves a number of problems,” said Governor Vladimir Mazur. - The first task is environmental: we do not just recycle glass waste, but put it into economic circulation. The second task is economic: we are developing production in new industries. The third task is social: we create new jobs, increase the prosperity of families. The Tomsk region solves these problems together with business”.

“We expect to improve the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of secondary raw materials, which will allow us to multiply the volume of MSW disposal, and, as a result, reduce the disposal of useful waste fractions at landfills,” comments Eduard Taran, President of RATM Holding. – Thus, the indicators in the field of MSW management will approach the target ones, and Sibstekl's business, which is based on a sustainable principle of rational environmental management, will become more efficient.

According to Anton Mor, General Director of Siberian Glass LLC, in the future the company considers glass waste as the main raw material:

“Already today, the plant uses up to 40% of cullet in the production of brown containers, which is about 50% in the production structure. By 2025, we plan to increase the share of glass waste in the composition of glass-making components to 80% - an ambitious task, but we will achieve it with the support of executive authorities in the regions, where we will assist in creating conditions for the development of the MSW collection system, as well as relying on the competence of specialists enterprises with experience in managing cyclic processes.

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