«Sibsteklo» presented an eco-friendly pallet at «Technoprom»

«Sibsteklo» presented an eco-friendly pallet at «Technoprom»

Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about the member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, OOO "Sibirskoye Steklo" (Sibsteklo):

OOO "Sibirskoye Steklo" (Sibsteklo, Partner of Russian national projects, one of the leading manufacturers of glass containers, the largest glass waste recycler in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, an asset of RATM Holding) is taking part in the XI International Forum of Technological Development "Technoprom" in Novosibirsk.

The forum brought together more than 12 thousand representatives of scientific, educational and engineering centers, engineering schools, campuses, research institutes, heads of government bodies, investors and technology entrepreneurs from all regions of the Russian Federation.

As part of the exposition, Sibsteklo is demonstrating an eco-friendly pallet: 11 rows of super-light 235-gram bottles made of colorless glass, the components of which contain 35% waste glass, were installed on a pallet made of recycled plastic and sand, packed in a film made of a third of secondary polymers.

Let us remind you that the implementation of the Sibsteklo environmental program includes several areas. Among the key ones are increasing the use of waste glass and reducing the weight of glass containers, due to which the company increases the production of products from one ton of glass mass.

- According to the results of the first half of 2024, the share of bottles manufactured using lightweight methods in the product structure reached 92.3%, nine times more than in 2015, - clarified Anton Mor, General Director of Sibsteklo. – From January to June, 23 thousand tons of broken glass were recycled in glass complexes – plus 12.3% compared to the same period last year. Moreover, brown containers are produced using 55-60% of recycled materials.

Thus, Sibsteklo slows down the rate of depletion of mineral resources and the accumulation of useful waste fractions at solid municipal waste landfills, and also reduces energy consumption, thereby reducing the burden on the environment, in particular, CO2 emissions.

– Greening of production activities is impossible without the introduction of the best available technologies, including digital ones, – states Eduard Taran, President of RATM Holding. – The efficiency of the industrial sector and specific enterprise projects is assessed by economic and environmental indicators – there should be a direct correlation between these values, which will contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals.

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