​«Sibsteklo» and NSU agreed to develop a «digital assistant»

​«Sibsteklo» and NSU agreed to develop a «digital assistant»

Dear colleagues, we are publishing news about the member of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, OOO Sibirskoye Steklo (Sibsteklo):

OOO Sibirskoye Steklo (one of the largest glass container manufacturers in Russia, an asset of RATM Holding) and Novosibirsk State University signed a cooperation agreement within the framework of the XI International Forum of Technological Development Technoprom in Novosibirsk. The document was signed by the general director of the enterprise Anton Mor and the rector of NSU, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Mikhail Fedoruk.

The interaction involves conducting R & D for Sibsteklo, in particular, the development and creation by NSU of a unique hardware and software control and measuring complex with a "digital assistant" for the glass-forming machine operator (SFM) - a module for analyzing photo and video images, graphic analysis of thermography using neural networks.

As reported by the President of RATM Holding Eduard Taran, Sibsteklo demonstrates commitment to high quality standards, without reducing the level for many years. Thus, since 2015, the number of inspection machines monitoring the parameters of glass containers has more than doubled in glass complexes. In turn, the digital assistant will assist the SFM operator: by systematizing a huge array of information, it will allow him to promptly identify a defect in the formation of a glass drop and take measures to eliminate its cause with minimal production losses.

– A set of cameras located in the droplet cutting zone at the outlet of the feeder will create a three-dimensional image and thermal profile for each of them, which the neural network will then compare with databases, identifying the likelihood of receiving a defective product, – explained Anton Mor.

According to Eduard Taran, the emphasis in the relationship between business and higher education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the parties, is gradually shifting to the applied sphere.

– NSU has a huge research potential, – comments Eduard Taran. – The university is ready to perform practical tasks, responding to the requests of market leaders, including participating in the search for effective and reasonable solutions in the interests of the glass industry, digitizing them. Today, working with Big Data is one of the key tools for strengthening the competitiveness of industrial companies, influencing processes and results. Thus, the tandem with universities contributes to accelerating the growth rate of enterprises in the real sector of the economy - reducing losses, ensuring quality characteristics of products and increasing productivity.

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