Saratov and Turkish companies will cooperate on the production of experimental glass products

Saratov and Turkish companies will cooperate on the production of experimental glass products

Companies from the region took part in a business mission to Turkey (Istanbul). Its goal was to develop trade and economic ties between entrepreneurs of the Saratov region and Turkey and conclude export contracts.

The event was organized by the Export Support Center with the assistance of the regional Ministry of Economic Development within the framework of the national projects “International Cooperation and Export” and “Small and Medium Enterprises”.

The program of the stay included meetings and negotiations, visits to specialized enterprises in Turkey to get acquainted with the potential of the companies and discuss the details of further cooperation.

Thus, a regional manufacturer of glass products agreed with a Turkish partner on cooperation in the production of experimental samples of glass products of submicron dimensions and complex structures.

The Saratov manufacturer of cotton candy and sugar products will work with Turkish partners in terms of mutual sales of products.

The elevator and hoist manufacturing company will supply parts of the lifting mechanism to Istanbul.

Also, a meeting was organized for regional companies at the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Turkey, where they discussed the features of entering the Turkish market, the possibility of opening joint ventures and representative offices.

Source: Ministry of Economic Development of the region

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