Rosaccreditation reduced the administrative burden on businesses and simplified the process of declaring products

Rosaccreditation reduced the administrative burden on businesses and simplified the process of declaring products

Dear colleagues!

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, as part of the implementation of the industry program on Technical Regulation, brings to your attention:

In 2022, a temporary procedure for the work of participants in the national accreditation system was established.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 2022 No. 353 on automatic renewal and simplified execution of permits in 2022 was adopted. The application of the document will reduce the burden on organizations and entrepreneurs, reduce the costs associated with the passage of permit procedures. The resolution, among other things, defines measures to support businesses operating in the field of product conformity assessment.

The Decree automatically extended for 12 months the validity of certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity for serial products. In total, almost 25,000 certificates and more than 330,000 declarations have been extended.

The document allows for the postponement of inspection control by 6 months, which is periodically carried out by accredited certification bodies to verify compliance with the established requirements of previously certified products.

To ensure that the Russian market is filled with the necessary socially significant goods and essential goods, measures have been taken to reduce the time of import delivery. Until March 1, 2023, it is allowed to import unmarked goods into Russia. But for the introduction of these goods into circulation, labeling remains mandatory. The feature concerns goods intended for circulation exclusively in the territory of the country.

Simplified delivery of spare parts to Russia. For the import of spare parts and components, it is not required to conduct a conformity assessment if they have passed it as part of the finished product. In addition, it is not required to submit documents on conformity assessment for spare parts to the Federal Customs Service of Russia. Confirmation of compliance with technical regulation measures is carried out without providing original documents.

The procedure for issuing certificates and registering declarations has been simplified. The requirement to indicate in the application for registration of the declaration of the unique number of the enterprise, the Global Location Number (GLN), has been cancelled. Until March 1, 2023, the applicant, if he has an identifier, can choose what to indicate when declaring - GLN, GLONASS or another.

For the period from March 21 to September 1, 2022, the compliance confirmation process has been simplified - a temporary product declaration scheme has been introduced. According to this scheme, the declaration is issued for a batch or unit of goods, the maximum validity period of the declaration is 6 months. According to the declaration, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities of the Russian Federation can be applicants, namely: manufacturers, persons authorized by a foreign manufacturer, dealers, importers, suppliers. During this period, applicants can use the protocols of foreign laboratories as an evidence base for conducting safety tests. The list of products that will not fall under the temporary declaration scheme is approved by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The sale of products in the Eurasian space is possible only if it passes an assessment for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union. At the same time, it is allowed to use a remote format for analyzing the state of production and taking samples from an imported batch.

In order to reduce the administrative and financial burden on business, the terms of the competence confirmation procedure have been postponed by 6 months. In total, the deadlines have been postponed for 1.4 thousand companies in relation to the procedures that accredited persons are required to undergo in the second year after obtaining accreditation and every five years (except for cases when an expert group has already traveled to provide a service).

The deadlines for confirming the competence of expert auditors have been postponed. The inclusion of such specialists in the register is carried out in a simplified manner - without attestation. At the same time, in the future, in order to continue working, expert auditors will need to confirm their competence within three years, starting from March 1, 2023.

Until September 1, 2022, an accredited person can apply for a change in the place of business without going through the competence confirmation procedure, as well as submit one application for confirmation of competence and expansion of the scope of accreditation.

Until December 31, 2022, accredited persons have the right to conduct research, measurements, conformity assessment from the date of submission of an application to Rosaccreditation for expanding the scope of accreditation. They are obliged to provide information on the results of their activities to the Federal State Information Service of the Federal Accreditation Service. If a negative decision is made to expand the scope of accreditation, the assessment documents issued by them in the new scope of accreditation will be invalidated.

A moratorium has been introduced for regulatory authorities to invalidate conformity assessment documents. From March 14 to September 1, 2022, state control bodies, including Rosakkreditatsiya, do not make decisions on invalidating conformity assessment documents, as well as on their suspension and termination. Thus, the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 934 and 936 dated June 19, 2021 are temporarily suspended.


FEATURES of assessing the conformity of products put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation APPENDIX No. 18 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2022 No. 353

1. The validity period of certificates and declarations has been extended for 12 months, the expiration date of which falls on the period from 03/14/2022 to 09/01/2022.

Deadlines have been automatically extended in the unified register of certificates and declarations.

The period of inspection control has been postponed by 6 months;

2. Until March 1, 2023, it is allowed to import products intended for circulation exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation without labeling. Goods are labeled after they are imported into the country, but before they are sold. Only after the assessment, the requirements of the TR CU EAC are affixed with a sign of appeal, indicating that the products labeled with it have passed all the assessment procedures established in the technical regulations of the Customs Union.

3. From March 14 to September 1, 2022, the state control bodies and the Federal Accreditation Agency do not make a decision to invalidate conformity assessment documents, as well as to suspend and terminate them.

If you have any questions, please contact in writing by e-mail:

Deputy Director for Standardization of the

Department of Glass Containers of the Association "StekloSouz" of Russia

L.S. Sergeeva

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