REO received 53 applications for investment projects from a third of regions

REO received 53 applications for investment projects from a third of regions

A third of the regions have applied for support measures for the construction of facilities for handling solid municipal waste, said Denis Butsaev, general director of the Russian Environmental Operator PPK, at the Russian Environmental Forum. In total, the REO has accepted 53 applications from the regions for investment projects so far.

“Now about the readiness of the industry itself. In 2019, everyone was talking about developing support measures. And for a number of objective and subjective reasons, the preparation for the provision of support measures took a little longer than originally expected. Nevertheless, since the beginning of 2021, the REO has been providing three support measures: sureties for loans and borrowings, purchase of bonds, including those convertible into shares shares of the management company, participation in the authorized capital. And by the end of the year, we will provide them to 11 regions, in the amount of about 6.5 billion rubles. By 2030, our goal is to build about 950 facilities with a capacity of 94 million tons of MSW. This will require about 430 billion rubles of investments. And now, unfortunately, we are collecting investment projects bit by bit, there are no projects. And the problem lies in the quality of the documents that we receive. I will not even comment on the state of the documents provided to us, this is a designer that has to be tightened up by the efforts of many, many departments. We can invest more than there are applications. We have received applications for 53 projects from a third of the regions.

We ourselves run after investors, this is a little strange, in my opinion, for an industry that has done nothing in terms of creating the basic means of functioning. We had the opportunity to finance the industry this year many times more. If we had 10 billion projects, we would find 10 billion. Next year we would be ready to give 15 billion. You know how many projects for the next year we have that have not passed the examination and there is no completion of the design stage. Four and a half. I am more than sure that a third of these projects, as in the current year, will disappear for one reason or another, ”said Denis Butsaev during his speech at the Russian Environmental Forum.

In total, through the redemption of bonds in 2021, REO will invest 6.2 billion rubles in the creation of 13 facilities in 11 regions. REO has already financed two projects, these are objects in the Moscow region - "Aleksinsky quarry" and "KPO Neva".

At the same time, 80% of projects financed by REO this year must have already passed environmental, state, construction expertise.


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