The industry of Bashkiria in 2020 sold 2.4% of the Russian production volume

The industry of Bashkiria in 2020 sold 2.4% of the Russian production volume

Industrial enterprises of Bashkiria in 2020 shipped goods and completed work for 1.5 trillion rubles. (2.4% of Russian production volume), Bashstat reports. The republic is among the top ten regions with the most developed industry, despite the significant limitation of the economy.

The industrial production index in the region amounted to 98% in 2020 (97.1% in the Russian Federation).

Bashkiria is in first place in the country for the production of diesel fuel, soda ash, benzene, xylenes, thermally polished sheet glass, quicklime, cold-drawn wire, electric lamps, furnaces and industrial chambers, bodies for vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers (weighing 3, 5 - 10 tons), inflatable vessels.

In second place - in terms of the volume of oil received for processing, production of motor gasoline, particle boards, silica gels, styrene, synthetic rubbers in primary forms, hydraulic engines, hoists and lifts, concrete pumps.

The third - for the production of buses, caustic soda, ethylene, plastics in primary forms, roofing and waterproofing roll materials, navigation, meteorological and geophysical instruments.


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