Strong alcohol producers are requesting that they return the opportunity to fill the product in small bottles

Strong alcohol producers are requesting that they return the opportunity to fill the product in small bottles

Producers of strong alcohol ask Rosstandart to return to them the opportunity to pour products into small bottles, Kommersant writes. From July 1 of this year, companies will have to comply with the new standard and abandon the use of containers of 250 and 375 ml.

The author of the letter received by Rosstandart was Bashspirt (owned by the Bashkir authorities and produces vodka Bashkir Standard, White Fortress, and Wild Honey). The representative of the manufacturer disagreed with the updates in the GOST "Requirements for the number of packaged goods in their production, packaging, sale and import."

A similar position is supported by Tatspirtprom (vodka Khanskaya, Russian Currency, Tundra, etc.). Companies consider it economically unprofitable to refuse small containers due to the fact that they make up 50% of the companies ’turnover.

Nielsen found that sales of bottled liquor with a capacity of less than 500 ml in 2019 increased by 13.2% in real terms and by 14.4% in cash. The sales volume of 500 ml bottles increased by 11% in real terms and by 8.5% in money terms, 700 and 750 ml - by 8.1% and 5.6%, respectively.

The highest growth was shown by brands of strong alcohol, the company’s study noted. Alcohol in small bottles allows you to taste premium alcohol even for those who cannot afford to buy the “full version,” experts say. Also 250 and 375 ml is a traditional container for souvenir products.

The Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets has announced its desire to create a bill, according to which glass producers will only have the right to sell alcohol bottles if the customer has a license to produce alcohol. In case of repeated violation of this law, property will be confiscated from the plant.


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