Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of a lime plant in Gazakh

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of a lime plant in Gazakh

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of a lime plant in Gazakh.

This was reported by Trend with reference to the press service of the head of state.

The recently launched activity in the Gazakh region, the Azerlime lime plant, owned by Matanat A, will play an important role in the construction and installation work in the region. The company, which opened in the village of Dash Salahli, is also of particular importance in terms of creating new jobs, ensuring employment.

The head of the company "Matanat A" Elkhan Bashirov informed the head of state about the work done.

It was noted that the company, founded in 2000, has been successfully operating in the building materials manufacturing sector for 20 years. The company includes factories for the production of dry building mixtures, gypsum-based products, the production of paints, concrete impurities, equipment and machines, as well as a plant specializing in turnkey delivery.

President Ilham Aliyev was informed about ongoing and promising projects of the company. It was noted that plants for the production of stone wool and gypsum molds are already under implementation. And in the future, it is planned to build a plant of enriched quartz sand with a production capacity of 300 thousand tons per year and a light block plant with an annual production capacity of 200 thousand cubic meters. A total of 90 million manat will be invested in the creation of these plants, including the plan to use preferential state loans. As a result of the creation of factories, about 1000 permanent jobs will be opened.

The head of state commissioned the lime plant Azerlime.

President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the products manufactured at the Azerlime lime factory. These products, meeting modern standards, as the brand of Azerbaijan, will demonstrate to the world the economic potential of our country. Thanks to the modern equipment installed at the enterprise, high-quality products will be produced. The plant mainly plans to use local raw materials. 60 percent of products are provided to meet the needs of the domestic market, and 40 percent - for export. The high-quality lime products produced at this plant are used in such important sectors as metallurgy, food processing, pharmaceuticals, water treatment, agriculture, healthcare, plastic products, chemical, glass and fisheries.

Lime products for the new type of Azerlime plaster produced at the factory are a revolutionary innovation in the construction sector. In the production process of the enterprise, special attention is paid to obtaining environmentally friendly products and saving energy. And this, in turn, reduces the cost of production.

Then President Ilham Aliyev met with a group of representatives of the district’s public and the plant’s staff.

The head of state made a speech at the meeting.

Speech by President Ilham Aliyev

- First of all, I congratulate you on the opening of the plant. I am very glad that your company has been active in creating a new plant, thus making a very important business for our country and people.

Several plants are already operating. I recommended to invest all investments in Azerbaijan, you had other plans. I regularly get acquainted with your activity, because each new industrial enterprise is very important, especially those enterprises that provide domestic needs and also produce export products. Therefore, when I heard that you have plans to invest in foreign countries, I did not mind, since today both private and state companies of Azerbaijan invest abroad. However, it is advisable, first of all, to create enterprises in Azerbaijan in order to open jobs, develop local production, reduce dependence on imports, and export products that would bring currency to our country. At the stands presented to me here today, I see that the company’s activities are really large-scale, it has led to the creation of hundreds of jobs, especially in the regions. It is planned to employ 150 people at this new lime plant, and 250 people at the next stage, so there are good opportunities to provide citizens with jobs.

As for your plans for the future, I’m sure that with the support of the state they will be realized. Because the state has provided you with financial support for the effective operation of these plants and your effective activities, it has allocated soft loans. However, the main burden, of course, you took over, and this is natural. The state will always be close to entrepreneurs, and will continue to give a powerful impetus to the development of entrepreneurship.

The investment climate in our country is very positive today. It is no coincidence that last year $ 13.5 billion was invested in the country's economy. This process continues this year, with a significant part of investments being local investments. This suggests that local companies can already stand firm on their feet, and with the support of the state this work will continue. Only through the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, entrepreneurs received preferential loans worth 2 billion manat, through which tens of thousands of new jobs were created.

The World Bank also notes the positiveness of our investment climate. In these ratings, we are among the 20 most reforming countries. Of course, to achieve this, a very thoughtful policy is necessary. I am sure that not only the World Bank, but also local entrepreneurs see and approve the ongoing reforms, since the main thing for them is the application of verified rules. State policy in this direction is unambiguous, in all areas, including in the financial and economic fields, it is necessary to ensure full transparency. Due to this transparency, only last year, tax and customs authorities transferred 1 billion manat to the budget over the forecast.

Despite the fact that the budget for this year has reached a record high, there has not been such a large amount of budget expenditures in the history of Azerbaijan. In preparing the budget, much analytical work was done to determine the forecasts. Compared to last year, forecasts are increased. Despite this, in January-February, the tax authorities transferred to the budget over the forecast 180, and the customs authorities - 70 million manat. A total of 250 million manat in just two months. Due to what? Due to transparency, accuracy, integrity and expansion of the tax base. Therefore, entrepreneurs, fully supporting this work, will expand their financial capabilities, they will have additional funds, which, first of all, must be invested in Azerbaijan. At the same time, these positive trends are causing a severe blow to the shadow economy. The volume of the shadow economy is sharply narrowing, it should narrow even more, funds raised above the forecast are a clear example of this.

Informal employment should not be. I am sure that this is not the case at your enterprise. Employment contracts must be concluded with all employees. I again appeal to all employees: if an entrepreneur tries to illegally attract you to work, do not agree, because you will not receive a pension and you will not be provided with compulsory health insurance. From this year, compulsory health insurance will gradually cover our country in stages. And citizens working informally will be deprived of this, they will have to pay for medical services. Compulsory health insurance will also completely put an end to the practice of service charges. Unfortunately, today we still have serious problems and violations in this area. Compulsory health insurance will prevent this. At the same time, this will be a serious method of combating informal employment.

The opening of this plant today indicates that the right economic policy is being pursued in our country. We see the real results of measures taken in the field of entrepreneurship, as our economy must develop at the expense of the private sector. The state simply needs to create conditions, implement infrastructure projects so that entrepreneurs are willing to do this business.

In the Gazakh region there are no problems associated with electricity, the security is 100 percent. There are no problems with gasification. The Gazakh region is 100 percent provided with gas. Today, 85 percent of roads are repaired in Gazakh. If there were problems in these areas, then no entrepreneur would invest money here, including you. We would find another place, would leave for other countries, where there is infrastructure. Therefore, we have created this so that people live well and comfortable, so that entrepreneurs invest. The head of the executive branch informed me that in the village of Dash Salahli there are three large enterprises with 1300 employees. 10 thousand inhabitants live in the village, of which 1300 work here. This is the work that we and the entrepreneurs are doing. Therefore, central government bodies, local executive bodies must constantly provide support to entrepreneurs. Their problems must be addressed. They told me now that we have paved a new road, but trucks can destroy it. For trucks, an alternative road needs to be paved. I will now give an order to the State Highway Agency of Azerbaijan, they hear me. It is necessary to ensure the laying of a new road with a length of 2 kilometers so that the rural road remains in good condition and does not deform.

I congratulate you once again and wish you new successes. Create such enterprises that we together with you participated in their opening.

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Ful Bashirov, Executive Director of Azerlime Lime Plant, said:

Thank you, Mr. President. Welcome to the Gazakh region and to our factory. Allow on behalf of the villagers and our team to convey to you heartfelt greetings. It is gratifying that this is your third time participating in the opening of a large enterprise in the village of Dash Salahli. Today the face of all regions of our country is changing. Each of us feels this in our daily lives.

Mr. President, any problem, not only in cities and regional centers, but even in remote villages, is in the center of your attention, under your constant control. It is no coincidence that when we are here in the mountain village of Dash Salahli face to face with the enemy, we make such a discovery. I must also note that investments of $ 15 million were invested in the plant, of which 9 million were due to the support of our state. At the same time, with the support of the Ministry of Economy, we received an incentive document for this project. Today it is planned to open 250 jobs. The average monthly salary will be 500 manat. Among specialists there are those who receive 1,000, 800 manat. Most of the workers are from the village of Dash Salahli. There is an interesting moment here, families live in Dash Salahli, where both parents work in a modern factory and have the opportunity to send their children to kindergarten. What is the reason for this? The creation of excellent infrastructure, modern kindergartens and schools. This is at the same time a kind of cultural revolution. Today, the cultural approach is changing. All this is the result of what you think about our citizens day and night.

I must also note that during the construction of this plant we used the knowledge of German, Swiss specialists. But today we can confidently say that although these specialists have left, local personnel trained without their support can cope with this work on their own. In addition, most of them are young people. I myself, with state support, received my education in Germany and England. I am a doctor of philosophy in economics and today I participate in management. I'm not the only one. There are a lot of people like me, who started at this enterprise as a worker and rose to the level of a specialist. Therefore, we express our deep gratitude to the state policy related to youth and concern for youth. Once again, on behalf of the whole team, we express our gratitude and wish you good health. We want to assure you that with our successes we will support your policy and justify your trust. May Allah protect you, thank you very much.

President Ilham Aliyev: Thank you very much. I wish you good health too.

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In conclusion, a photograph was taken as a keepsake.


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