A belt of small and medium-sized businesses is being created around a glass factory in Kyzylorda

A belt of small and medium-sized businesses is being created around a glass factory in Kyzylorda

The plant is located in the industrial zone of Kyzylorda, fully provided with utility and logistics infrastructure. Now it is planned to locate several small enterprises related to glass production here, which will form a kind of “SME belt” around the main enterprise.

As the akimat of the Kyzylorda region reported, there are many options for creating a belt of small and medium-sized businesses around the glass factory. At the moment, it is planned to open eight related workshops for the production of various glass products.

The total cost of these projects will be 130 billion tenge. Work is already underway to implement three of them. This is an enterprise for the production of 5 million square meters of energy-saving glass per year, the construction of workshops for the production of bottles and mirrors.

The capacity of the already operating sheet glass plant in Kyzylorda is 197 thousand tons per year. Since its launch in 2022, the enterprise has reached 85% of its designed capacity and produced 167 thousand tons of products, a third of which is exported, the rest is supplied to the domestic market.

Let us remind you that the project for the construction of a sheet glass plant in Kyzylorda was carried out within the framework of the republican industrialization map. Its customer and operator is Orda Glass ltd LLP.

Initially, the plant was built with the participation of ARP Company LLP, Investment Fund of Kazakhstan JSC and Stewart Engineers (USA). The Americans refused to participate in the project, and it was completed by China Triumph International, a subsidiary of the China National Building Materials Corporation. The launch of the glass factory's furnaces took place in December 2021, and it produced its first products in 2022.

As for the plant for the production of glass containers, there are foreign participants in the project - HornGmbH LLP. The total cost of the enterprise, the site for which has already been allocated in the industrial zone of Kyzylorda, is 55 million euros, the plant’s capacity is 120 million premium bottles per year, or 160 tons of glass containers per day.

The plant is planned to be launched in 2026.

Source: kazpravda.kz

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