Advanced training of specialists of environmental services of factories, mining and processing enterprises of the glass and mining industries

Advanced training of specialists of environmental services of factories, mining and processing enterprises of the glass and mining industries

Dear colleagues!

The Association "StekloSouz" of Russia, as part of the implementation of the annual Program of activities to expand educational activities, brings to your attention:

The International Industrial Academy - Center for the Industry of Building Materials conducts advanced training for specialists from environmental services of factories, mining and processing enterprises of the glass and mining industries.

Course topic: "Environmental problems of factories and enterprises extracting raw materials, ways and means of solving them, in connection with changes in legislation in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety."

The duration is from 6 to 8 June 2022.

In the course program:

1. Glass, mining and processing industry in Russia at the present stage: state, problems, prospects.

2. The main provisions of the current legislation on environmental protection and environmental safety:

  • requirements in the field of environmental protection (categorization of objects with a negative impact on the environment, integrated environmental permits taking into account the negative impact of objects on the environment, payments for a negative impact on the environment;
  • Ensuring environmental control, supervision and management in the field of environmental protection;
  • licensing in ecology;
  • Compliance with norms and standards;
  • administrative responsibility for violation of the requirements of the legislation;
  • Fundamentals of nature management and ensuring environmental safety.

3. Ensuring environmental safety at the enterprise:

  • Programs for ensuring environmental safety at the enterprise and experience in their implementation;
  • Environmental regulation at the enterprise;
  • Industrial environmental control.

a) Protection of atmospheric air:

- the procedure for obtaining integrated environmental permits by enterprises with the subsequent installation of automatic emission control systems;

- compliance with BAT standards (mandatory), since the cement industry is classified as a negative impact on the environment;

- quotas for greenhouse gas emissions (Federal project "Clean Air")

- a set of measures for state regulation of greenhouse gas emissions (ratification of the Paris Agreement)

- new developments of dust and gas cleaning equipment for the glass industry;

b) Environmental safety of water bodies:

- the procedure for providing water facilities to enterprises, a water use agreement;

- procedure for the use of water bodies during water intake;

- rationing of discharges, pollutants in the composition of wastewater into water basins;

c) Requirements for the safe handling of production waste:

- waste inventory;

- determination of waste hazard classes;

- certification and licensing of waste;

- rationing, accounting and reporting in the field of hazardous waste management, transportation of hazardous waste;

- use and disposal of waste from other industries in the production of cement;

- control over the provision of sanitary and epidemiological requirements by enterprises.

4. Conducting ecological expertise, environmental impact assessment.

5. Economics of nature management, payments for negative impact on the environment.

6. Licensing requirements established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2020 No. 2290 “On licensing activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste of I-IV hazard classes”, as well as Order of Rosprirodnadzor dated July 26, 2021 No. 464 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources for the provision of public services for licensing activities for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, disposal, disposal of waste of I - IV hazard classes"

7. The procedure for training employees of the enterprise admitted to work with hazardous waste (transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste of 1-IV hazard classes) under the program "Ensuring environmental safety when working in the field of production waste management", (Federal Law No. 89-FZ) (paragraph introduced by Federal Law No. 225-FZ of July 26, 2019)

Upon completion of training, a certificate of advanced training is issued in the prescribed form (in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273) .

The format of training is full-time and online (remotely, using the Internet).


Deputy Head of the Department of Engineering Support:

Budyaev Victor, tel./fax (499) 235-95-79, +7(985)-240-31-91

Methodist of the Department of "Engineering Support":

Moiseeva Yulia, tel./fax (499) 235-42-72


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