Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2020 N 616

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2020 N 616

Dear colleagues, good afternoon!

We publish for your review the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2020 N 616 “On the establishment of a ban on the admission of industrial goods originating from foreign states for the purpose of procurement for state and municipal needs, as well as industrial goods originating from foreign states , works (services) performed (provided) by foreign persons, for the purpose of procurement for the needs of the country's defense and state security ”(OPEN)

Document Overview

The government has established a new ban on the purchase for certain state and municipal needs of certain types of foreign industrial products (with the exception of goods originating from the EAEU countries). A list of such products has been approved.

It is forbidden to purchase foreign industrial products (including from the above list), as well as foreign works and services for the needs of the country's defense and state security.

The exceptions are again established when such purchases are allowed.

Instead of a list of issued opinions, the Ministry of Industry and Trade will keep a register of industrial products manufactured in Russia. It is formed using the state industry information system.

Previous acts of the Government on these issues have lost force.

The decision shall enter into force on the day of publication, with the exception of certain provisions for which a different period is provided.

Press center StekloSouz

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